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Message to Hadith Rejectors

Assalam 3alikum to all those who follow the Quran and the Guidance of the Messenger of Allah sallalahu3alihiwassalam.

I believe that what I am writing about is a very important topic because of the recent and continuing assault from different individuals against the authority of the Messenger of Allah sallalahu3alihiwassalam. In fact, they hide behind very specious arguments against the authenticity of the Narrations, while avoiding the important subject of the authority of the Messenger of Allah sallalahu3alihiwassalam.

These pseudo Internet scholars actually can’t even read an authentic narration correctly never mind the Quran; which they say they follow. What are they actually following though? They follow the translation of the Quran from different sources (because like I mentioned they can’t even read the Quran or Narrations in the Arabic language it is in, never mind understand it in Arabic, the way the language was used and understood 1400 years ago); it could be one source or 10, in the end it is only a translation and they are still submitting to that individuals interpretation, thus from their own supposed logic they are following what another human has to say about what they think the Quran meant and not Allah’s words which are clearly in Arabic and not in any other language (I’ll let them think about that while I address all the other issues)!

Thee self-proclaimed scholars condemn the actual scholars of this generation and of previous generations of following their whims and desires; they also accuse these great scholars (past and present) of wanting to be “gods” by making what Allah made haram halal and what Allah made halal haram!

Let us examine the claims of these PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS (these are all claims which in fact none of us even have to address, because they have not substantiated any of them yet; they have yet to bring their proof, all they have is just what their so called “free thinking” “Modern” “Liberated” minds tell them (i.e. whims and desires). In fact, they would never even be able to argue their point with any real scholar regarding any of the points they ever bring up (i.e. stoning of the married zani, eating donkey meat, eating lion or tiger meat, Jesus alihiassalam descending back in the end of times, alcohol being haram “these are just several of the points they speak of with no knowledge”) However, I will address the importance of understanding the position of the Prophet alhiiassaltwassalm and what role that would have in believing that Allah protects not only the Quran but also the Sunna!

When bringing an accusation against a scholar it is very easy to just say, he is following his whims and desires, or he is making halal haram and vise-versa! However, the person who is bringing the accusation must also bear the burden of proof, other wise it just constitutes back biting and slandering doesn’t it? When have any of these individuals ever brought any proof against any of the scholars they speak against? The answer is never! They can’t bring any, and the reason is that they don’t have any proof; all they have is what there “free thinking” “Modern” “Liberated” minds tell them (i.e. whims and desires). I am repeating this point to show how important it is for them to bring such evidence, other wise it is just what they think against what the scholars think and we would obviously take the scholars words over theirs seven days a week!

All we have to do is compare the methodology of the two parties. The first party is the real scholars and the other is the PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS. The real scholars have distinct traits which these PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS only dream of having and let me just list some here for the fun of comparing day and night.

Real scholars actually have the Quran memorized
Real scholars have a very strong mastery of the Arabic language
Real scholars have a very strong understanding of Narrations and what the difference is between a Mutawatter Narration and an Ahad Narration


PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS never have the Quran memorized
PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS can’t even speak the Arabic language at a basic level, never mind understand the intricate details of the Arabic language
PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS don’t know what a Mutawatter Narration is and more importantly they do not know what level the authority of the Prophet alihiassaltwassaalam is really at!

So now that I have given you some of the traits of these two very different groups, let me compare the methodology of each.

The scholars actually sit and contemplate the different issues, first according to the Quran, and then according to the Sunna, and then according to what the Companions had to say, and then if they can’t find anything in all those sources they final agree with the consensus of the rest of the scholars.
The scholars contemplate the whole Quran and interpret the different ayats according to their context of revelation and how the companions of the Prophet alihiassaltwassalam interpreted it.
The scholars contemplate the Sunna and try to understand the meaning with-in the context of the rest of the Sunna and the Quran and they also interpret it according to how the companions and tab3een interpreted it

What is the methodology of the PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS.

They look up the different translations on the Internet and then they give a fatwa according to what their “free thinking” “Modern” “Liberated” minds tell them (i.e. whims and desires).
Once they find the translation of the certain aya they will not consider other ayats which speak of the same thing, or they will interpret each aya on its own, with out any relevant context or relation to the understanding that the Prophet alhiassalatwassalam put it into practice.
They totally ignore most of the Narrations unless one of them slightly supports their position then they will freely quote it while ignoring others which maybe of the same authenticity level or even higher

Can you all see the difference yet between the two? I thing it is pretty crystal clear! One group is actually considered to be scholars and the other just a bunch of misguided netters (taking this term from brother Omar)

I know that this has been long, but if you can bear with me the rest of the time I will only provide evidence from the Quran that these pseudo Internet scholars are as misguided as they come.

The Qur'an 4:113, {And He has sent down upon you the Book and the wisdom,
and has taught you what you did not know before.}

This makes it clear that Allah has sent down the book and wisdom. Can any intellectual actually argue that Allah meant the Quran when he said “wisdom”, it is clear that the “Book” in this aya is the Quran and “wisdom” is the Sunna and understanding of the Quran!

The Qur'an 16:44, {And We have sent down unto you the revelations (al-Dhikr
) that you might make clear to humankind that which has been sent down to

One of the most common arguments that these PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS have is that the Quran is clear and thus there is no need for a teach to teach it, rather, everyone can understand it on their own since it is clear. So how do they reconcile between what they say and the aya above. Allah says that He has sent the Messenger sallaalahualihwassalam to clear to human kind what has been sent. Will they going to say that it wasn’t the Messengers duty to make clear to humankind that which has been sent down to them?

The Qur'an 62:2, {He it is who has sent among the unlettered ones a
messenger of their own; to recite unto them His ayah-s (verses), and to
purify them, and to teach them the Book and the wisdom.}

Once again these PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS are faced with a very difficult task of explaining their position. Could Allah SWT actually mean “and to teach them the Quran and the Quran”??? No. Of course not, you must go along with what Allah SWT clearly said, and that is “to teach them the Book and the wisdom “i.e. Sunna, his way”.. So I will leave it up to these PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS to explain what wisdom actually means, and whether Allah SWT was going to let it all just go away after the Prophets alihiassalatwassalams death.

The Qur'an 4:113, {And He has sent down upon you the Book and the wisdom,
and has taught you what you did not know before.}

Again, Allah mentions the Book and the wisdom. What is this wisdom?

The Qur'an 33:34, {And mention that which is recited in your houses of the
ayah-s of Allah and the wisdom.}

I can see the position of these PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS now, they are thinking what are we going to say when Allah says the above. Ayats of Allah and the wisdom, now there is no way any one with any intelligence could say that the ayats are the same as wisdom or vise-versa!!

The Qur'an 53:1-4, {By the star when it goes down, your companion is neither
astray nor being misled, nor does he speak of desire, it is naught except an
inspiration (wahy) that is inspired.}

Now it is all coming together, after reading the several verses of the book and the wisdom, one must ask, does the Prophet just come with it from his own whims and desires. Istaghfar Allah, because Allah says in the mentioned 4 ayats above that he does not speak from his desire (howa) but it is wahy that is Yuha elihi.. it is inspired. If you want to be a complete muslim you must believe that the Messenger of Allah sallallahualihiwassalam didn’t speak from his own whims, so what happened to all the things he told us about that weren’t mentioned in the Quran?

The Qur'an 68:4, {And surely you are upon a mighty morality.}

These PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS would have us believe that this is just speech for no reason in the Quran. Aren’t we suppose to learn something from this aya, and that is a confirmation of the morality of our beloved Prophet alihiassalatwasaslam and that we should follow him in everything he did, no matter how big or small it is. Should we not emulate the best of the best?

Let us think about it my brothers and sisters, if it was just the Quran and nothing else then what is the point in sending a human being to deliver it, would it not have been sufficient enough for an Angle to bring it down and give it to the people, why send a human over a 23 year period and say

The Qur'an 62:2, {He it is who has sent among the unlettered ones a
messenger of their own; to recite unto them His ayah-s (verses), and to
purify them, and to teach them the Book and the wisdom.}

I will let them think about this point also!

The Qur'an 4:80, {Whoever obeys the Messenger, he thereby surely has obeyed
Allah. . .}

Are we getting the point yet, I know it must be hard for some people to pick up on things sometimes but inshalla if they ask Allah it will be easy for them. Isn’t it simple enough. Obey the Messenger = obeying Allah! ( I will clear this position up shortly in order to refute the claims that obeying the messenger means just following the Quran).

The Qur'an 4:65, {But nay, by your Lord, they will not believe until they
make you the judge of what is in dispute between them, then they shall find
in themselves no dislike of that which you have decreed, and submit in full

This is such a strong statement and we must take a few minutes to ponder upon it and the importance of it. It comes with a very direct and strong point “they will not believe” then it gives us the exception “until they make you the judge of what is in dispute between them” (this speech is obviously to the Prophet alihiassaltwassalam) then Allah doesn’t end with that but He also continues and says “then they shall find in themselves no dislike of that which you have decreed, and submit in full submission” Well, let us consider this for a second because this aya makes very clear points which must be understood clearly (although I think it is self explanatory, but for making sure everything is complete I will discuss) Basically, we are being told that we should let the Messenger alihiassaltwassalam judge between us (Sunna, which by the way, it is how the Prophet alhiassaltwassalam interpreted the Quran and the other wahy that would come to the messenger alhiiassalatwassalam such as when Gibreel a.s. came to the Prophet alihiassaltwassalam when he was under the wall and the jews wanted to kill him and he was warned so he walked away, (that is an incident where there was a separate revelation not in the Quran) Then we are told that if we were to be believers then we would find no dislike of what “He Decreed” so, what ever he says we say, we heard and obeyed, not oh, is that in the Quran or not.

The Qur'an 33:36, {It is not for a believing man nor a believing women, when
Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter, to have the choice in their
affair; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has surely gone astray
in manifest error.}

I think that we are having fun now, because it is just one blow after the next, again, I ask, how are these PSUEDO INTERNET SCHOLORS going to explain this. “When Allah and his Messenger have decreed a matter” Will they deny the role of the Prophet alihiassalatwassalam; then let them explain “and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger” this is a clear warning. Could not Allah have just said who ever disobeyed Allah and though would mean who ever disobeys’ the Quran right. Or if Allah just said who ever disobeys’ the Messenger, but Allah said both in the two cases above. Allah and His Messenger.

The Qur'an 4:59, {O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and
those of you who are in authority; and if you have a dispute concerning any
matter, refer it to Allah and His Messenger if you believe in Allah and the
Last Day; that is best and more suitable to the end.}

Now this is an aya that they will never be able to dispute, let us look at what is being said above very carefully so that we don’t give them any chance of even thinking of replying to this one.

Obey Allah – this is well understood, obey Allah, i.e. His commandments, Sharia
Obey the Messenger – this is well understood amongst those who follow the Sunna, because it is impossible to obey the messenger with out knowing what he said. (As for those people who say that obeying the Messenger actually means obeying Allah, then what do they say about # 3)
Obey those of you who are in authority – Leaders, Imams, Scholars

When people are told about the ayats regarding obeying Allah and his Messenger alihiassalatwassalam they say obeying his Messenger alihiassaltwassalm is actually obeying the Quran and not what the Messenger alihiassalatwassalm, are they saying that the leaders are in the same category as the Messenger sallalalhualihiwassalam. I hope not because each have their role and there different levels of authority.

The Qur'an 3:32, {Say: Obey Allah and the Messenger. But if they turn away,
surely Allah does not love the disbelievers.}

The Qur'an 4:80, {Whoever obeys the Messenger, he thereby surely has obeyed
Allah, and whoever turns away--We have not send you as a watcher over them.}

These two ayats are just further proof of the aforementioned!

The Qur'an 3:31-32, {Say: If you love Allah, then follow me; Allah will love
you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Say: Obey
Allah and the Messenger. But if they turn away, surely Allah does not love
the disbelievers.}

I am not sure if I should even continue, I think there is enough proof here to show the importance and the role of the Messenger alhiassaltwassalam.

The Qur'an 33:21, {Verily in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example
for whoever hopes for Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.}

Now, Allah tells us that we have a good example in the Messenger alhiassaltwassalam. So, what kind of example is it really if we didn’t have his whole life story between our hands to read and learn from and understand. How could we follow his example if Allah didn’t protect his sunna (sayings and actions)? That is like me saying to my son (if I had one) take your brother as an example, but he has never seen his brother and he has never even heard any stories about him. Would he be able to follow that or not? I’ll let them think about this simple point!

I would like to conclude with alhamdulila that Allah has made it easy for me to write this up regarding this major issue regarding following the Messenger of Allah sallahallahualihiwassalam. I know that these netters will continue to come with their so specious arguments that hold no weight, but I hope that the smart ones will just ignore them because debating with the ignorant will get you know where.

This is something I heard which proves that point.

“If you were a scholar I would have beaten you (that is because he would understand the evidence being provided and would eventually change his position), but since you are ignorant you have beaten me (because how can you defeat someone who every time you say to him right he says left, and every time you say up he says down, you can’t because he just keeps changing the subjects and his little brain can never retain enough information to prove or have anything proved to him)

Inshalla if I make another write up I will discuss the fallacies of the Fabricated Narrations which these Pseudo scholars have.

Allahuma Sali Wa Sallim Al Mohammad Wa Ala Ahlihi Wa Sahbihi Wa manitiba3a Hudahu Ila Yaum Ideen. Walhamdulilahi Rabi Aalameen!

Wa Salam,

Eyad M. Marzuq


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