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Abu Bakr al-Siddiq

`Atiq ibn Abi Quhafa, Shaykh al-Islam, `Abd Allah ibn `Uthman ibn `Amir al-Qurashi al-Taymi (d. 13), the Prophet’s intimate friend after Allah, exclusive companion at the Prophet’s Basin (hawd) and in the Cave, greatest supporter, closest confidant, first spiritual inheritor, first of the men who believed in him and the only one who did so unhesitatingly, first of his four Rightly-Guided successors, first of the ten promised Paradise, and first of the Prophet’s Community to enter Paradise.

Alone among the Companions, Abu Bakr repeatedly led the Community in prayer in the lifetime of the Prophet. The latter used to call him by his patronyms of Abu Bakr and Ibn Abi Quhafa, and he named him with the attributes "The Most Truthful" (al-Siddîq) and "Allah’s Freedman From the Fire" (`Atîq Allâh min al-nâr). When the Quraysh confronted the Prophet after the Night Journey, they turned to Abu Bakr and said: "Do you believe what he said, that he went last night to the Hallowed House and came back before morning?" He replied: "If he said it, then I believe him, yes, and I do believe him regarding what is farther than that. I believe the news of heaven he brings, whether in the space of a morning or in that of an evening journey." Because of this Abu Bakr was named al-Siddîq: the Very Truthful, the One Who Never Lies.

Among the Companions who narrated from him: Anas, `A’isha, Jabir, Abu Hurayra, the four `Abd Allahs (Ibn `Abbas, Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn `Umar, Ibn `Amr), `Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr, `Umar, `Uthman, and `Ali. The latter is one of the narrators of the Prophet’s hadith cited by Abu Bakr: "We [Prophets] do not leave anything as inheritance. What we leave behind is charity (sadaqa)."

`Umar said: "Abu Bakr’s faith outweighs the faith of the entire Umma." This is confirmed by the following hadith: The Prophet asked: "Did any of you see anything in his dream?" A man said to the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah, I saw in my dream as if a balance came down from the heaven in which you were weighed against Abu Bakr and outweighed him, then Abu Bakr was weighed against `Umar and outweighed him, then `Umar was weighed against `Uthman and outweighed him, then the balance was raised up." This displeased the Prophet who said: "Successorship of prophethood (khilâfa nubuwwa)! Then Allah shall give kingship to whomever He will." `Umar also said: "The best of this Community after its Prophet is Abu Bakr." `Ali named him and `Umar the Shaykh al-Islam of the Community and said: "The best of this Community after its Prophet are Abu Bakr and `Umar," "The most courageous of people is Abu Bakr," and "The greatest in reward among people for the volumes of the Qur’an is Abu Bakr, for he was the first of those who gathered the Qur’an between two covers." He was also the first to name it mushaf.

Abu Bakr’s high rank is indicated, among other signs, by the fact that to deny his Companionship to the Prophet entails disbelief (kufr), unlike the denial of the Companionship of `Umar, `Uthman, and `Ali to the Prophet. This is due to the mention of this companionship in the verse: "The second of two when the two were in the cave, and he said unto his companion: Grieve not" (9:40) which refers, by Consensus, to the Prophet and Abu Bakr. Allah further praised him above the rest by saying: "Those who spent and fought before the victory are not upon a level (with the rest of you)." (57:10)

The Prophet confirmed his high rank in many of his sayings, among them:

"Allah gave one of His servants a choice between this world and what He has with Him, and that servant chose what Allah has with Him." Abu Bakr wept profusely and we wondered why he wept, since the Prophet had told of a servant that was given a choice. The Prophet himself was that servant, as Abu Bakr later told us. The Prophet continued: "Among those most dedicated to me in his companionship and property is Abu Bakr. If I were to take an intimate friend other than my Lord, I would take Abu Bakr. But what binds us is the brotherhood of Islam and its love. Let no door [of the Prophet’s mosque] remain open except Abu Bakr’s."

"I am excused, before each of my friends, of any intimate friendship with anyone. But if I were to take an intimate friend, I would take Ibn Abi Quhafa as my intimate friend. Verily, your Companion is the intimate friend of Allah!"

"You [Abu Bakr] are my companion at the Basin and my companion in the Cave."

"Call Abu Bakr and his son so that I will put something down in writing, for I fear lest someone ambitious forward a claim, and Allah and the believers refuse anyone other than Abu Bakr."

`Amr ibn al-`As asked: "O Messenger of Allah, who is the most beloved of all men to you?" He replied: "Abu Bakr."

"It is impermissible for a people among whom is Abu Bakr, to be led by other than him."

"Take for your leaders those who come after me: Abu Bakr and `Umar."

"O`Ali! Abu Bakr and `Umar are the leaders of the mature inhabitants of Paradise and its youth among the first and the last, except for Prophets and Messengers."

"The sun never rose nor set over anyone better than Abu Bakr."

"The Prophet used to hold nightly conversations with Abu Bakr in the latter’s house, discussing the affairs of Muslims, and I [`Umar] was present with them."

`Umar was angered by Abu Bakr one day and left him in anger. Abu Bakr followed after him, asking his forgiveness, but `Umar refused and shut his door in his face. Abu Bakr then went to the Prophet and took hold of his garment until his knee showed. The Prophet said: "Your companion has been arguing!" Abu Bakr greeted him and said: "There was a dispute between me and `Umar, then I felt remorse and asked him to forgive me but he would not, so I came to you." The Prophet said, repeating three times: "Allah forgives you, O Abu Bakr! Allah forgives you, O Abu Bakr! Allah forgives you, O Abu Bakr!" Then `Umar felt remorse and went asking for Abu Bakr at his house without finding him. He came to the Prophet and greeted him, but the Prophet’s face changed with displeasure. Seeing this, Abu Bakr sat up on his knees in fear before the Prophet, saying twice: "O Messenger of Allah! I am the one who trangressed. O Messenger of Allah! I am the one who transgressed." The Prophet said to the people: "Allah sent me to you and you all said: ‘You are lying!’ But Abu Bakr said: ‘He said the truth.’ Abu Bakr gave me solace with his person and property. Will you leave my companion alone once and for all? Will you leave my companion alone once and for all?!" After this Abu Bakr was never harmed again.

"Jibril came to me, took me by the hand, and showed me the gate through which my Community shall enter Paradise." Abu Bakr said: "Would that I were with you to see it!" The Prophet said: "Did you not know? You will be the first of all my Community to enter it."

Al-Suyuti relates through Ibn Sa`d’s report from `A’isha her description of Abu Bakr: "He was a man with fair skin, thin, emaciated, with a sparse beard, a slightly hunched frame, sunken eyes and protruding forehead, and the bases of his fingers were hairless." He was the foremost genealogist of the Quraysh and the best of them at interpreting dreams after the Prophet according to Ibn Sirin. `A’isha related that both he and `Uthman had relinquished drinking wine even in the Time of Ignorance. His caliphate lasted two years and three months in which he opened up the lands of Syria and Iraq for the Muslims, suppressed apostasy among the Arab tribes, fought the pseudo-Prophets al-Aswad al-`Ansi, Tulayha al-Asadi who recanted and declared his prophethood in Najd, and Musaylima the Liar who was killed in the devastating battle of al-Yamama.

Imam al-Nawawi pointed out that Abu Bakr’s genealogical tree alone regroups four successive generations of Companions of the Prophet: his father Abu Quhafa, himself, his daughter Asma’, and her son `Abd Allah, in addition to Abu Bakr’s son `Abd al-Rahman and his grandson Abu `Atiq. Nawawi states that only one hundred and forty-two hadiths of the Prophet are narrated from Abu Bakr. He comments: "The reason for this scarcity, despite the seniority of his companionship to the Prophet, is that his death pre-dated the dissemination of hadiths and the endeavor of the Followers to hear, gather, and preserve them." Among Abu Bakr’s sayings: "Whoever fights his ego for Allah’s sake, Allah will protect Him against what He hates."

Sayings of Abu Bakr (RA):
About greatness, Abu Bakr(RA) said:
Run away from greatness and greatness will follow you.
There is greatness in the fear of God, contentment in faith of God, and honour in humility.

Good actions
About good actions, Abu Bakr(RA) said:
Good actions are a guard against the blows of adversity.
Be good to others, that will protect you against evil.
If you expect the blessings of God, be good to His people.
Every day, nay every moment, try to do some good deed.

About death, he said:
Have an earnestness for death and you will have life.
Death is the easiest of all things after it, and the hardest of all things before it.

The more knowledge you have, the greater will be your fear of Allah.
Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.
Knowledge is the life of the mind. When a noble man learns knowledge he becomes humble, [whereas] when an ignoble person gains knowledge, he [becomes] conceited. When knowledge is limited - it leads to folly. [But] when knowledge exceeds a certain limit, it leads to exploitation.

When you seek advice, do not withhold any facts from the person whose advice you seek.
When you advise any person you should be guided by the fear of God.
If anybody seeks your advice, offer right and sincere advice.
He who is not impressed by sound advice, lacks faith.

If you expect the blessings of God, [then] be kind to His people.
He who aspires to paradise should learn to deal with people with kindness.
He who fears to weep, should learn to be kind to those who weep.

About self-control he said, "If you want to control other people, first control yourself."

Patience and confidence
With regard to patience and confidence, he said: "Patience is half [the] faith, and confidence is full faith."

Society of evil persons
About the society of evil persons he held, "Solitude is better than the society of evil persons."

"The greatest truth is honesty, and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty."

Treatment of Muslims
About the treatment of Muslims he said, "Do not look down upon any Muslim, for even the most inferior believer is great in the eyes of God."

Help and co-operation
About help and co-operation, he said:
God blesses him who helps his brother.
Co-operate with one another, and do not bare grudges of jealousy.
Muslims should live like brothers.
God helps those who fear Him'.
Allah will help him who moves in the way of Allah.

About "Jihad", he said:
The people who abandon Jihad fall a victim to humility and degradation.
Jihad is obligatory for the Muslims.
To fight against the infidels is Jihad; but to fight against your evil self is greater Jihad.

With regard to intentions, he said, "Intentions count in your actions".

Sadaqah [charity]
In the matter of the offering of "Sadaqah" he said, "When you offer any Sadaqah to a beggar, do it with humility and respect, for what you are offering is an offer to Allah".

With regard to mosques he said: "He who builds a mosque in the way of Allah, God will build a house for him in the paradise."

Way of life
About the way of life he said, "Follow the way of life, which the Holy Prophet has shown you, for verily that is the right path".

With regard to prayers, he said, "He who prays five times a day is in the protection of God, and he who is protected by God cannot be harmed by anyone."

About neighbours, he said, "You should not quarrel with your neighbour, for he will remain where he is, but your high handedness will become the talk of the people".

Appearance of things
About the outward appearance of things he said:
Maybe a thing that you do not like is really in your interest. It is possible that a thing that you may desire may be against your interest.

Love of God
About the love of God, and the love of the world, he said, "He who [has a taste for the] love of God can have no taste for the love of the world".

Becoming a Muslim
"He who becomes a Muslim does so in his own interest".

About falsehood, he said "He who indulges in falsehood will find the paths of paradise shut to him".

About boasting, he said, "He who boasts lowers himself".

About pride he said, "Pride in the case of a rich man is bad, but but pride in the case of a poor man is worse".

In the matter of elation, he said, "Do not get elated at any victory, for all such victory is subject to the will of God."

Avoidance of complaints
With regard to the avoidance of complaint he said, "He who avoids complaint invites happiness."

Attraction of the things of the world
About the attraction of the things of the world, he said, "If an ignorant person is attracted by the things of the world, that is bad. But if a learned person is thus attracted, it is worse."
He also said, "O man you are busy working for the world, and the world is busy trying to turn you out".

About justice, he said: "In the matter of justice, all should be equal in your eyes".

Deception and faithlessness
"Do not deceive or be faithless even with your enemy."

"Use the same measure for selling that you use for purchasing".

About Sin, he said:
(1) It is good to repent from sin; [but] it is better to avoid [it].
(2) It is bad for a young man to sin; but it is worse for an old man to sin.

About evil he said "Cursed is the man who dies, but the evil done by him survives."

Dyeing [the] hair
"Youth is not restored by the dyeing of your hair".

Early rising
About rising early, he said, "It is a matter of shame that in the morning the birds should be awake earlier than you."

About Piety he said: Piety is the most solid goodness, and the vilest of what is evil is vice.

Truth and falsehood
About truth and falsehood he said, "Truth is a trust, [whereas] falsehood [is] treason."

Vain desires
"Do not follow vain desires; for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger."

The best
Abu Bakr(RA) prayed, "O Lord, render the best of my life [at] its close, the best of my deeds as the last, and the best of my days the day of Your meeting." "O God verily I ask of You that which may be the best for me in the end. O God vouchsafe that the last good that You bestow upon me, is Your approbation."

Deadly things
Abu Bakr (RA)said, "The most deadly of things are the two that are red, gold and saffron."

Reward of the believer
"The true believer is rewarded in every thing, even in affliction."

Life of the world
"Our abode in this world is transitory, our life therein is but a loan, our breaths are numbered and our indolence is manifest. "

While condoling the death of a [fellow]companion, Abu Bakr (RA) said to the bereaved family: "There is no harm in patience, and no profit in lamentation. Death is easier to bear than [than] that which precedes it, and more severe than that which comes after it. Remember the death of the Apostle of God, and your sorrow will be lessened. "

Prayer for a dead man
When praying for a dead man. Abu Bakr said: "O God his people and his goods and his kindred have forsaken this servant of Yours. His sin was grievous, but You are Merciful and Compassionate."

More Sayings:
  1. Always fear Allah; He knows what is in men's hearts.

  2. Be kind to those who are under you and treat them well.

  3. Give brief directions; directions that are too long are likely to be forgotten.

  4. Improve your own conduct before asking others to improve theirs.

  5. Honor the enemy's envoy.

  6. Maintain the secrecy of your plans.

  7. Always speak the truth, so that you get the right advice.

  8. Consult your men when you are free to do so; this will develop participation.

  9. Take suitable measures to keep watch on the army.

  10. Be sincere to all with whom you deal.

  11. Give up cowardice and dishonesty.

  12. Give up bad company.

Abu Bakr, Radi-Allahu anhu, as-Siddiq was the man who the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, loved most. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, once said "..everyone hesitated before accepting Islam except Abu Bakr, Radi-Allahu anhu". He was a man easily overcome with weeping and he prayed to his Lord with a voice so soft that the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, questioned him about this, to which he replied "..He with whom I speak will hear". He was frail and slight of built and yet his actions exceeded the actions of any man, except the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

Aisha, Radi-Allahu anha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, Radi-Allahu anhu, and the wife of the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "While the head of Allah's messenger was on my lap on a moonlit night, I asked "Messenger of Allah, has anyone done as many good deeds as there are stars in the sky?" "Yes", he replied, "Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, has". I then asked how Abu Bakr's good deeds compared, and he replied, "All Umar's good deeds are like one of Abu Bakr's good deeds".

Abu Bakr, Radi-Allahu anhu's love for the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, knew no bounds. He accompanied the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, on the Hijrah to Madinah. They stopped at a cave called "Thawr", and Abu Bakr, Radi-Allahu anhu, said, as narrated by Umar ibn Khattab, "I swear by Allah that you (the Prophet) will not enter the cave before I have done so, for if there is anything in it, I shall be attacked by it, and not you." Then he entered the cave and swept it and found some holes in the side of it. He tore up a piece of his garment and plugged the holes with it. As there were still two remaining holes left, he thrust his feet into them and told the Messenger of Allah to enter the cave. When he had done so the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, laid his head on Abu Bakr, Radi-Allahu anhu's lap and went to sleep. One of Abu Bakr, Radi-Allahu anhu's foot was stung by a creature in the hole, but he did not move for fear that the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, might awake.

When they were alone in the cave and the kuffar of makkah were searching for them, Abu Bakr(RA) felt nervous to which Mohammad(saw) replied "O Abu Bakr. what is your opinion about those three among which one is ALLAH". Listening these words of Mohammad(saw), Abu Bakr's(RA) courage knew no bounds form that moment.


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