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Yogi Adityanat proved that Two Nation Theory was a Hindutva brain child adopted by Jinnah.

                                 Two Nation Theory by Yogi at 1:17.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in one of his speeches had said  "Hindu and Muslim are two different communities and can not live together, there will be war one day for sure". Does this sound familiar? Yes, its nothing but the infamous two nation theory. Muslims have been blamed for the partition in India. But how come self proclaimed nationalists from BJP and RSS talk two nation theory? well, its nothing new. Actually roots of Two Nation Theory were planted long back, by the Hindutva-Sangh Elders.

In a chapter titled “Two-Nation Theory: Origin and Hindu-Muslim Variants”, Shamsul Islam underlines the fact that much before the Muslim League came up with the two-nation theory, leaders such as Madan Mohan Malaviya, B. S. Moonje and Lajpat Rai were championing the cause of a Hindu nation. Much before them, Raj Narain Basu (1826-1899), maternal grandfather of Aurobindo Ghosh, and his close associate Naba Gopal Mitra (1840-1894) had emerged as the co-fathers of Hindu nationalism. Eminent historian R. C. Majumdar has remarked that “Naba Gopal forestalled Jinnah’s theory of two nations by more than half a century”. So, the onus for spreading the belief that Hindus and Muslims constituted two separate nations that could not peacefully co-exist with each other should first be placed at the door of Hindu leaders.

 Founder of Hindutva declared in favour of the two-nation theory at Ahmedabad in 1937, where he was elected president of the Hindu Mahasabha.
While addressing the 19th session of the Hindu Mahasabha in the city, he declared: “There are two antagonistic nations living side by side in India”, underlining, “India cannot be assumed today to be a unitarian and homogenous nation. On the contrary, there are two nations in the main: the Hindus and the Muslims, in India.” Full Article with Reference.

Golwalkar of the RSS in his We Or Our Nationhood Defined had expressed very clear ideas on what ought to be done with minorities. Second-class citizenship and a beggar’s existence at the mercy of the majority was his proposed solution. Visceral in his hatred for minorities, Golwalkar proposed a Nazi-type solution. Such ideas served to heighten Muslim insecurity and push them into a corner ultimately forcing the creation of Pakistan. Full Article with Reference.

Bhai Paramanand:
“The territory beyond Sind should be united with Afghanistan and the North-West Frontier Province into a great Musalman kingdom. The Hindus of the region should come away, while at the same time Mussalman in the rest of India should go and settle in this territory."

Lajpat Rai:
 “Under my scheme the Muslims will have four Muslim States: (1) The Pathan Province of the North Western Frontier (2) Western Punjab (3) Sindh and (4) Eastern Bengal. If there are compact Muslim communities in any other part of India, sufficiently large to form a Province, they should be similarly constituted. But it should be distinctly understood that this is not a united India. It means a clear partition of India into a Muslim India and a non-Muslim India.

Lala Har Dayal:
 “I declare that the future of the Hindu race, of Hindustan and of the Punjab, rests on these four pillars: (1) Hindu Sangathan, (2) Hindu Raj, (3) Shuddhi of Muslims, and (4) Conquest and Shuddhi of Afghanistan and the Frontiers. So long as the Hindu Nation does not accomplish these four things, the safety of our children and great grandchildren will be ever in danger, and the safety of Hindu race will be impossible. The Hindu race has but one history, and its institutions are homogenous. But the Mussalman and Christians are far removed from the confines of Hindustan, for their religions are alien and they love Persian, Arab, and European institutions. Thus, just as one removes foreign matter from the eye, Shuddhi must be made of these two religions. Afghanistan and the hilly regions of the frontier were formerly part of India, but are at present under the domination of Islam […] Just as there is Hindu religion in Nepal, so there must be Hindu institutions in Afghanistan and the frontier territory; otherwise it is useless to win Swaraj."

 Full Article with references.

 Shyama Prasad Mookerjee:
Mookerjee believed in the two-nation theory and advocated the Partition of Bengal. At the time of the Quit India movement in 1942, Mookerjee was the Finance Minister of Bengal and the second most senior minister in the government after Bengal’s Prime Minister, Fazlul Haq.

Mookerjee’s party, the Hindu Mahasabha, had decided to cooperate with the colonial government given that, in their view, the real battle was against India’s Muslims. The party even helped the British recruit for World War II, with Vinayak Savarkar appealing for Hindus to enlist in large numbers in the colonial army. - Full article with reference.

So Mani Shankar Aiyer was right when he said that Savarvar was the first proponent of the Two Nation Theory. And its very sad to see Congress kneeling before the fascist forces instead of supporting Mr. Aiyer.


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