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Qadiyanis- How they are different from Non-Muslims.

The Qadiyani sect, an illegal child of the British is being promoted as the moderate peaceful version of Islam. Qadiyanis are shown as the anti-thesis to Wahhabi/Salafi terrorist ideology and Qadiyani pseudo scholars are masquerading as saviors of Islam. While the truth is- Wahhabism and Qadianism are both illegal children of Britain, both have been planted in Islam to defame it, to break the unity of Muslims and to implode Muslim ummah from within. Our elders and Ulama of Ahle Sunnah had identified these illegitimate children (wahhabis and qadiyanis) and long back declared them as Non-Muslims. But now a days the Munafiq liberal media, which is controlled by the Zionists all over the world, is presenting the Qadiyanis as peaceful, moderate Muslims who are "persecuted" by "extremist" Muslims.

Why are Qadiyanis different from other Non-Muslims:
The question to ask is- who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed here? Imagine some guy disguises himself like you and enters your home when you are away and sleeps with your wife, spoiling your kids and mingles in your home and behaves like its his home. How does the thought feel? This is the question I would want to put forward to those liberal munafiq Muslims who post comments such as "Love for all, hate for none" "Qadiyanis should not be persecuted" "we love our minorities". Now imagine, you go to the police and complain that some guy has taken your place and living in your home when you were away and the police label you as the false intruder and declare the fraud as the real you. Something similar is happening in Islam. Qadiyanis are pretending to be concerned about their so called persecution by extremists Muslims, while they are enjoying full support of global powers and hijacking Islam from within. Hindus or Christians or Jews, don't claim to be Muslims, they don't have Muslim names, don't celebrate Muslim festivals, dont have Masjids. But these Qadiyanis, like wahhabis are a counterfeit faith which disguises itself as Islam, to hijack and destroy Islam from within.

British agents Wahhabis and Qadiyanis are hi-jacking Islam while real Muslims who resist this hijack by counterfeits frauds are labelled as 'Extremists'.

Qadiyani Beliefs:
Muslims co-existed with Hindus and Christians from 1400 years, without any problems. Qadiyanis are counterfeit, duplicate faith which calls itself Islam. Why is it a counterfeit fraud? Let us examine their beleifs:

  • Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani first called himself the promised Imam Mahdi, then declared himself as a Prophet. Which is blasphemous, as it is a basic tenet of Islam that Mohammad (saw) is the last Prophet (saw) of Allah.
  • Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani says that Quran was lifted to skies at the time of 1857 war of independence (apparently because war with the British was prohibited in Islam according to Qadiyani) and then sent back upon the false Prophet Mirza Qadiyani.
  • Qadiyanis consider Muslims as Kafir because they dont believe in the latest prophet (astaghfirullah) qadiyani.
    From about the year 1911 Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (second khalifa of the Qadiani Movement) started to put forward the doctrine that it is not sufficient for a person to declare belief in the Kalima Shahada in order to be a Muslim because Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had now appeared as a prophet and belief in him must be acknowledged as well.
    According to Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, it is no longer sufficient for the existing Muslims to believe in the Holy Prophet Muhammad and all the prophets before him. Now they must also declare that they believe in the prophet Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as well. Otherwise they cannot remain Muslims.
  • Qadiyanis prohibit funeral prayers of Muslims.
  • Qadiyanis believe, there are 2 Mohammads (astaghfirullah), one is our Master, Rasool Allah (saw) and the second Mohmmad is Mirza Qadiyani.
  • Qadiyanis believe that Allah promised Rasool Allah (saw) that He will send the Rasool (saw) down on earth once again, in Qadiyan. And that Mirza Ghulam is the reincarnation of Rasool Allah (saw) (Naozubillah, Astaghfirullah).
Watch the Video above and this link.

Mirza and His Family were Servants of the Imperialism:
 Mirza Ghulam proudly wrote:
  •  "My father was a well-known landlord in this country and he enjoyed great eminence in the Government's offices. He was a true devotee and well wisher of the British Government. In the mutiny of 1857 (the Muslim independence movement against colonialism is called 'mutiny' by Mirza), my father supplied fifty horses and riders to aid the British Government. For this favor to the Government, he was very popular among the officials." (Izala-e-Auham, P. 58, footnote) 
  •  "The benevolent Government is aware of the fact that we are from among their servants, their sympathizers and well wishers. We have come to their aid with a firm mind in every hour of need. My father was held in close and high esteem by the Government; and our services to this Government held clear distinction. I do not think that the Government has forgotten these services of ours. My father, Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, son of Mirza Ata Muhammad Al-Qadian, was a great well wisher and friend of this government and enjoyed great respect from among them. Our loyalty has been proven beyond doubt. Rather our fidelity was proven among the people and became clear to the government officials. The Government may confirm this from the officers who came to this side and lived among us; so that they may tell what sort of life we lived, and how faithful we have been in serving their Government." (Noor-ul-Haq, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 8, P. 36-37; Noor-ul-Haq, Vol. 1, P. 27-28) 
  •  "I come from a family which is out and out loyal to this government. My father, Mir Ghulam Murtaza, who was considered its well-wisher, used to be granted a chair in the Governor's Darbar (cabinet) and has been mentioned by Mr. Griffin in his 'History of the Princes of Punjab'. In 1857, he helped the British government beyond his means, that is he procured fifty (50) cavaliers and horses right during the time of the mutiny. He was considered by the government to be its loyal supporter and well-wisher. A number of testimonials of appreciation received by him from the officers have unfortunately been lost. Copies of three of them, however, which had been published a long time ago, are reproduced in the margin (in English). Then, after the death of my grandfather, my elder brother Mirza Ghulam Qadir remained occupied with service to the government and when the evil-doers encountered the forces of the British government on the highway of Tanmmun, he participated in the battle on the side of the British Government (under General Nicholson he killed several freedom fighters). At the time of the death of my father and brother, I was sitting in the sidelines; but, since then, I have been helping the British for seventeen years with my pen." (Kitab-ul-Barriah, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 13, P. 4, 5, 6, 7; Shahadat-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 6, P. 385-387; Ishtihar Wajib al-Izhar, Sept. 20, 1897, P. 3-7; appended with Kitab-ul-Barriah)
  •  "I am scion of a family which the English Government acknowledges to be faithful to it. British officers have also admitted that my father and my people are amongst those who served the Government in all sincerity and with heart and soul. I can not find the words to express my homage and gratitude to the beneficent Government on account of the peace and composure which we have found as subjects of the Government. For this reason, we - myself, my father and my brother - have girded up our loins that we will exhibit the favors and advantages of this Government, make obedience to it incumbent on the people and embed it in their hearts." (Tabligh-e-Risalat, Vol. 7, P. 8-9) 
Mirza Qadiyani's New Faith:
Having been quickly raised to the status of a "scholar", Mirza Ghulam began fulfilling the promise he had made to his British supporters. It was time to deliver on his promise and make sure that Muslims would not try to repeat the uprising of the 1857. The first step was to make obedience to the anti-Islamic British government an article of faith.
 He declared:
  • "It has been proven from my continuous seventeen year long speeches that I am faithful and sincere to the English Empire from the core of my heart and soul. I am the son of a father who was also a friend to this Government. My faith is to obey this Government and love the people; These are the conditions set for my devotees and followers who take the oath of allegiance to me. I have stressed this clause under the fourth item of my pamphlet Shuroo-al-Baiat (oath of faith) which has been distributed among my devotees and followers." (Kitab-ul-Barriah, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 13, P. 10; Kitab-ul-Barriha, P. 9, Supplement)
  •  "I published the provisions of faith so that these may become a constitution for my sect and for everyone who follows me and I have named it as: 'Completion of the Mission and requirements of Fealty'. I have sent one copy to the Government so that it may know that I have planned for my followers to be faithful to the British Government." (Tabligh-e-Risalat, Vol. 7, P.16)
  •  "No doubt my faith and doctrine, which I stress, is that Islam is composed of two parts. One is obedience to Allah and the other is obedience to the Government which has created peace and under whose protection we are safe from oppressors - that is the British Government. (Shahadat-ul-Quran, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 6, P. 380; Shahadat-ul-Quran, P. 86) 
  • His son and a ruler of the Qadiani (Ahmadi) movement emphasized this fundamental doctrine of Qadianism: "The promised Messiah included among the conditions of fealty faithfulness to the English Government and said: 'Whoever does not obey the Government, takes part in demonstrations against it or does not enforce its orders is not a member of our community'." (Tohfatul-Mulhuk, P. 123; by Mahmood Ahmad Qadiani.
More details: Click here.

Qadiyanis in Israel Army:
  • Qadiyanis girls of pakistani origin work in Israeli army- Link 1, Link 2.
  • Special treatment of Ahmedi sect by Israel- Link 3.
So Qadiyanis are attacking Islam both directly and from within, but our brainwashed liberal Muslims are misguided and wandering like sheep, abusing their own Ulama who raise their voice against this injustice.

Qadiayanis accept that they are non Muslims:
Recently, during a court proceeding, Qadiyanis in Malaysia agree that they are Non- Muslims and therefore Shariah laws should not be imposed on them: Click here. Qadiyanis tried to spin this news through their media power. But truth is that in the court, the Qadiyanis said that they are non-Muslims so shariat council has no right to summon them on shariah issues. No Muslim would present such an argument to escape from a court case.

Qadiyanis' Direct attack on Quran:
Qadiyani leader in Malaysia says  “There’s something wrong with such thinking, or telling Muslims that all non-believers will go to hell." Ask any Muslim "what is the basic requirement to enter Jannah according to Islam?", he will tell you "you have to be a Muslim." Quran on numerous occasions says that the kaafir will be thrown into hell. But Qadiyanis say this is wrong.
Source: Click here.


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