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Rogue, Terrorist and Zionist Pakistan Army: Persecution of Pashtoons and the raise of PTM

Nexus between Pak Army and Terrorists

Ever since its inception, the dubious "Islamic Republic" of Pakistan has been persecuting the Pashtoon community relentlessly. The Pashtoons are known for their warrior like temperament and conservative Sunni beliefs. This was considered very dangerous for the Anglo-American Empire. The Britishers have been using the fake 'Islamic' (read wahhabi) state of Pakistan to suppress the Pashtoons in the most ruthless manner. Showing the fake 'threat' to Islam from communism spreading from Soviet Union into Afghanistan, the ISI was able to incite Pashtoons to take up arms against Soviets. But what the Afghans did not imagine was the radicalization and wahhabi indoctrination of the Afghan youth by Saudi Arabia and ISI. ISI, Saudi Arabia and US brought in large amounts of 'Mujahideen' (terrorists) from Uzbek, Tajek and Arab countries etc, supplied them with American weapons, ISI and Pakistan army trained them. In the words of one of the Generals "Pashtoon belt was used as a Nursery for breeding of Mujahideen". These radicalized (now wahhabi) youth later became the Taliban. ISI provides protection to these Taliban terrorists even today and in turn uses these terrorists to attack its targets in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Attacks On Sufi Sunnis-
The real Conservative Orthodox Sunnis or the Ahlu Sunnah Jamaat -Comprising more than 90% of Muslim Population of the world- is the target of the Wahhabi/Salafi/Takfiri terrorists all over the world.
There is an ideological battle, along with political, that is going on between the Wahhabi ISI/Army and the conservative Sunni Pashtoons. Most of the times bomb blasts happen at Dargahs, shrines, Milad Mehfils of conservative sunnis- practices which are considered as 'Shirk' and people doing them are considered 'mushrik' and killing them is a service to Islam. The  wahhabi Taliban terrorists of wahhabi ISI attack Sufi Sunnis and Shias as they consider them to be Non-Muslims and it is halaal to kill them (according to Ibn Abdul Wahhab's fatwas).

ISI had established Hundreds and Thousands of Wahhabi madrassas with the help of foreign funding and it runs many of these extremist madrassas even today.

Consider the bomb blasts on Sunnis: 
  • Milad un Nabi (saw) celebrations in Afghanistan 
  • and Pakistan. 
  • Shabaz Qalandar Blast.
  • Pir Rakhel Shah Blast.
  • Bari Imam Shrine Blast.
  • Data Darbar Blast.
  • Baba Farid Shrine Blast.
  • A list of Blasts at Shrine and Dargahs- Click here. Note: This is not the Full List. 
  • The list goes on and on if you keep digging, with thousands of innocent Sunnis killed so far.
  • APS school attack, killing innocent Sunni Pashtoon children, in order to get free hand in the fake Raddul fasaad operations and to set up Military courts.
These attacks were carried out by Wahhabis (Taliban), who are supported and protected by the ISI. 

(Note: Wherever you read "Sunni extremist group" in any news, read it as "Wahhabi". These wahhabi fanatics even count Sufi Sunnis(the majority of orthodox moderate Sunni population on earth) as Shias. The fact is Ahlus Sunnah had co-existed with shias quite peacefully under Sunni Khalifas and rulers. Problems started with the advent of new terrorist sect called Wahhabism, which is state religion of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan (state is ISI and Army).)

Attrocities on Pashtoons and the Fake war on Taliban- Fake Zarb e Azb, Fake Raddul Fasaad:

Manzoor Pashteen Speaks of Army's Fake war on Taliban and atrocities of Pakistan army and ISI on Pashtoons.

The brave Pashtoons have been always used to fight the war for Pakistan- either it be the war with Afghanistan or defending Pakistan during India-Pakistan wars- Pashtoons were in front line and took the brunt of enemy attacks. But when it came to development and rights of the Pashtoon people, the wahhabi terrorist state of Pakistan has always kept them under its foot, not allowing them to raise their heads. Pashtoons tell the world that the 'war on terror' by Pakistan army is a farce. Army evacuated the Pashtoon tribals in these areas, shells and bombs their homes, entire villages and towns devastated. But when the Pashtoons come back to their localities, to their horror, they find the very Taliban, whom the military is supposed to be fighting, are sitting in army camps and they have become more powerful than before. Pashtoons are not allowed to question this. Whenever an elder from the community speaks up against the Taliban, people find his head cut off and thrown away at a different location. The ISI controlled Pakistani media reports the killing of innocent women and children in these army raids with headlines such as- "13 Militants eliminated". The wahhabi terrorist army stages this drama to passify America and to get its flow of Dollars, for which it has become addicted to from a long time.

Kidnapping and Target Killings of Pashtoon Leaders:
Pashtoons protesting against Pakistan army at a rally.

Whoever dares to speak against the real dictator/ruler of Pakistan (Army is the State and Ruler) finds himself kidnapped and languishing in a dark confinement cell for decades or his dead body floats in next day's new paper headlines. Voltaire was right when he said "To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Moreover the Army and ISI have gotten into dirty business of organ trade of the kidnapped persons, according to Pashtoon Community leaders.
 Few names from recent past who were kidnapped or murdered by the ISI/army:
  • Ali Raza Abidi
    For being critical of The Establishment (Army and ISI).
  • SP Tahir Dawar:
    Ruthless abduction in broad day light, Authorities decline to comment saying its "sensitive" issue-indicates abduction by ISI, body found in Afghanistan after few days. Supposedly, the Taliban terrorists crossed all the check posts from Islamabad to Afghan border and then cross the border with Tahir Dawar's dead body. Definitely a ISI handy work. Its quite common for the terrorists to cross the check posts in ISI vehicles, without being checked. In fact SP Dawar was very sincere and strict officer with a soft corner for PTM. He had arrested terrorists previously while smuggling weapons through the check posts- who were let gone by the ISI.
Wife of Tahir Dawar refuses Pakistan flag on her Husband's Body.
  • Haroon Bilour:
    The Awami National Party is popular among Pashtoons for fighting for their rights. Haroon's father was also martyred in a terrorist attack in . Ghulam Ahmed Bilour categorically stated that 'My nephew was killed by our own people."
  • Bashir Bilour: Father of Haroon Bilour, was also martyred by the deep state and its terrorists.
This is second post in the series of posts exposing the Wahhabi terrorist deep state in Pakistan that actually rules Pakistan or rightly said by its critics- Na-Pakistan. Muslims all over the world should wake up to this reality.

More on PTM: 


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