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Rogue, Terrorist and Zionist Pakistan Army: Sex Trade.

Pakistan Army Generals and Pakistan Leaders are Prostitutes: Sheikh Imran Hossein.

Brief Intro of Wahhabism:

For someone who has no idea of the teachings and fatwas of Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi, the founder of Wahhabism, a heretical sect which impersonates Sunni branch of Islam, it is quite unbelievable- even unimaginable to say that Pakistan Army could be involved in sex trade. An army which calls itself 'Muslim army' and the country which calls itself 'Islamic Republic' could every do something so heinous and inhuman? If you look at the Wahhabi teachings and Wahhabi history, you will find the answer there. According to teachings of Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi, people who go to Shrines and Dargahs of pious and holy men or Sufi saints- are 'Mushrik'. This is one basic pillar of Wahhabi sect, though they have various reasons to call you a Mushrik. Even reciting salawat upon the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) in the group or in a loud speaker is considered shirk by these extremists. Mushrik is a person who considers something or someone as Allah or similar to Allah or Same (in power or status or existence) as Allah.  From times immemorial, since the existence of mankind, people venerate and respect the pious elders of their community in life and in death. But this extremist, narrow minded ideology of Wahhabism teaches that venerating or honoring the dead is same as Shirk. Even in Islam, this thinking is wrong , baseless and this had been the biggest blow to Muslim Ummah (community) in recent times. Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi was a British asset, he was groomed and handled by British secret agency and particularly a British spy named Hempher. In his book, "confessions of a British Spy" Hempher talks about how he had spotted an egoistic, self centered person who thinks he is better than all the Imaams of Islam and how he (Hempher) was able to lure that person into drinking alcohol and committing adultery (through the haraam practice of Muta Nikah). 

Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi was used by the British Empire to create a rift in Sunnis and by this, to destroy the great Ottoman Empire. Ibn Abdul Wahhab declared that all those people who visit shrines/dargahs, those who venerate Saints (and based on many such baseless criteria) are Mushrik and their blood is halaal (meaning they can be killed), their women are halaal (meaning they can be raped), their money is halaal (meaning they can be looted), their farms are halaal (meaning the farms can be burnt), their property is halaal (meaning ransacking, looting and occupying their property) is halaal, rather it is the duty of a true Muslim (his followers) to attack and wage war on such Mushrik (rest of the Muslim Ummah). Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi declared that only followers of his narrow minded, misguided, extremist teachings were true Muslims and rest all are Mushriks (polytheists or non-Muslims). Basically Wahhabism teaches its followers that only the followers of their twisted sect are true Muslims and rest all are Mushrik and liable to be killed, raped and looted. This includes all of the Muslim Ummah of that time, because it was a common practice of both Sunnis and Shias to visit shrines/dargahs and venerate holy men who are dead. And this is what exactly the ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra etc terrorists are doing in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen. 

Manzoor Pashteen of PTM talks about Army-Taliban Nexus.

Sex trade by Pakistan Army:

And this is what the ISI, Pakistan Army and their trained Taliban terrorists are doing in Pakistan, Afghanistan and to some extent in Kashmir (both sides of the border). The Army Generals of Pakistan Army have time and again openly declared that they had indeed trained the Mujahideen with the help of US and Arab countries to fight the Soviet Union. All these so called Mujahideen were actually followers of Wahhabi ideology and they were recruited from all over the world, especially from the Arab world, Pashtoon belt of Pakistan and from some pockets of Afghanistan. Afghanistan and the Pashtoons living in Pakistan are generally very conservative and follow the Sufi sect of Sunni branch. In fact today what they call as 'Sufis' are the real orthodox Sunnis, there were no Wahhabi, Deobandi, Ahle Hadees, Ahmadi/Qadiani etc etc sects in Sunni Islam 100 or 150 years ago. There were only Sunnis (Sufis) and Shias. All the sects in Sunni branch of Islam that we see today were created by the Anglo-American Intelligence and even today, these intelligence agencies fund them, train them and supply them with weapons. This is a big global game plan to defame Islam, break up and implode it from within and also to attack Islamic countries by showing these terrorists as an excuse. It is hard to look at Wahhabism as an isolated abomination coming out of Islam, rather it is a global phenomena of heretic sects that came out of Islam in the past 200 years or so. We can not ignore the fact that Wahhabism and Zionism are strongly linked. This is further bolstered by the fact that Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi had accepted the idea of formation of separate Jewish State carved out of Palestine. He had given this in writing to the British.

Pashtoon Activist Umar Daud talks about Pakistan Army involvement in Sex Trade.

Coming back to Pakistan Army, they have been addicted to the dollars that the US gives them. In fact the Pakistan Army is in total control of Saudi-Wahhabi Ideology and they are addicted to the US dollars- which is a very deadly combination. Pakistan Army has been waging a fake war in Pashtoon belt (Waziristan, Swat and other Pashtoon areas bordering Afghanistan) and in Balochistan. They attack the Pashtoon tribal areas, evacuate the people, bomb their homes and markets, loot their property, bulldoze their homes. When the poor Pashtoon tribals come back to heir localities after the 'operation' has finished, to their horror, they find the Taliban terrorists occupying their markets and homes. The very terrorists which the Army is supposedly fighting. To the dismay and shock of the tribal people, they find the Taliban terrorist leaders staying in Army camps, visiting Army officials and traveling in Army vehicles, by passing the check posts. This is the reason why, till now, no terrorist leader was either killed or arrested in these operations or at these check posts. The check posts encircling the tribal areas is a different story, where people are insulted, abused, women disrespected, people have to go through vulgar language and indecent behavior multiple times a day, each and every day. While the terrorists for whom the check posts are supposedly set up, roam freely in the army vehicles. 

Recently reports have surfaced from these war torn tribal areas where the Pakistan Army picks up Pashtoon girls, rape them and sell them in brothel houses of Lahore and from there, these women are exported around the world for money. In fact, people familiar with his situation say that this has become a means of income for the Pakistan army. Some women are gifted to the terrorists who are fighting in Arab or in Afghanistan. It is done by the Wahhabi elements in the ISI and Army for whom such inhuman activities are 'halaal'. These Wahhabi elements are the really policy makers of the Army and control the entire army. These people are highly connected and no one can touch them. They have links with powerful elements in US and western secret establishments. Moreover after bulldozing and clearing the localities, they set up terrorist camps in those areas. The tribal elders who dare to speak against these terrorists or the Army officials who are involved, are beheaded. All the features of the terrorists we see in Syria, can be found in these ISI terrorists. 

Senator Gul Naseeb Khan talks about the true face of Pakistan Army.

Note: There is no concrete evidence or Official documents to support the allegations that Pakistan Army as an institution or as a policy is involved in sex trade for money. But by listening to the news, statements of victims of these war torn tribal areas, by connecting the dots and using common sense, we have come to the conclusion that Pakistan Army (or the deep secret elements of it) might well be involved in the heinous crime of sex trade for making money and for supplying women for the terrorists fighting in other countries. Purpose of this blog is not to defame anybody rather the purpose of this blog is to be the voice of the oppressed and the voiceless.


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