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Heros of Islam: Sultan Nooruddin Zhangi (ra).

Intro: Sultan Nooruddin Zhangi.

  • Birth: 1118 AD.
  • Father: Imaduddin Zengi. Assassinated in 1146. Nooruddin (ra) was his second son.
  • Dynasty/Tribe: Oghuz Turkish Zengid dynasty.
  • Reigned: from 1146 to 1174 AD- over Aleppo,Damascus.
  • Known by the west as: A nightmare for the Crusaders.
  • Known by the Muslim world for: Had seen Rasool Allah(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) in dreams- thrice in the same night. Was ordered by Rasool Allah(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) to punish the 2 Munafiq people who were digging a tunnel to the Holy Rodha of Rasool Allah(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ). 
  • Achievements: Consolidating Muslim kingdoms of Syria, Egypt and Mosul to fight against the Crusaders. Protecting Rodha E Rasool (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) from the 2 munafiqs who were digging a tunnel. Training and Mentoring Salahuddin Ayyubi, who later became the biggest Muslim name in the modern Islamic History.
  • Death: 15th May 1174 ad, aged 56 years.
Zengid dynasty

The Holy Prophet(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) in the Blessed Dream:

It was the night of 1162 AD, Sultan Nooruddin Zhangi(ra) had just finished his Tahajjud prayers and slept. He saw the Holy Prophet (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) in the dream, 2 more faces were shown to Sultan, and Rasool Allah (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said "Save me from the mischief of these men." The Sultan woke up, he was disturbed, he did his wadhu and performed 2 rakah nafl salah and went back to bed. The same dream repeated once again. This happened 3 times. The third time, Sultan was anxious and called his Minister and narrated everything. They came to a conclusion that some extraordinary situation is about to happen in Madina. 

Holy dream and the command from Rasool Allah(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ)

So the Sultan takes a handful of riders and leave for Madina. He picks up fastest horses and travels nonstop, covering the distance of 20-25 days in 16 days. On reaching Madina, he invited the people for a feast and gave them gifts. He watched each man carefully but he could not find the 2 faces which were shown to him in the dream. Sultan called the Amir of Madina and inquired "did everyone come?" the Amir told him that all had come to the feast except 2 men who were very 'pious' and 'generous', who are always busy in prayers and alms giving (This is an indication to the future generations that you should never judge a person from him outward amaal, and that in the future, there are going to be munafiq enemies of Islam who would perform all the prayers and rituals of the religion perfectly.) Sultan ordered the two people to come forward. On inquiring, they told the Sultan that they had come to Hijaz to perform Hajj but settled in Madina. Sultan took them and visited their house. For the shock and dismay of the people, they found an underground tunnel when the Sultan lifted the carpet of their house. The tunnel was going right into Rodha e Rasool(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ). These criminals had conspired to steal the Holy Body of Rasool Allah(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ), but little had they known that Rasool Allah(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) knows what is transpiring around the world. The Sultan beheaded the two criminals then and there.

A big trench was dug encircling the Holy Rodha and molten lead was poured into it. It is said that they dug the trench until water came out, i.e, the trench was so deep. So that no one would imagine of doing something like this in future.

Then the Sultan tore his short and ran in the streets of Madina crying out loudly "Oh Rasool Allah(صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ), out of all the kings and Nobles, out of all the eminent people, you (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) selected me for this job."

Why Nooruddin Zhangi(ra):

Why did Rasool Allah (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) choose Sultan Nooruddin for the task?

Out of all the great Scholars, Kings, Nobles, Governors and Rulers of that time, why did Rasool Allah (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) select Nooruddin Zhangi to save his holy Rodha?
Sulran Nooruddin Zhangi is a Islamic Scholar. He built many Madrasssas (around 42 according to some reports) and around half of these Madrassas were built with his own money. He was a staunch sunni. In Nov 1148, he forbade Azaan from Shia Masjids in Aleppo and also the public display of Shi'ism. He built many rest places for the travelers. He was generous in charity. He lived a very simple and modest life. He used to respect and venerate Darvesh and Sufis.

Sultan Nooruddin had 2 kurdish generals under him, Ayyub and Shirqo. After the death of his father, Imaduddin, Ayyub's son, Salahuddin helped Nooruddin in his military expeditions and in establishing his authority in Damascus. Later Salahuddin was appointed as the governor of Damascus. Nooruddin played very important role in guiding and mentoring Salahuddin. Salahuddin became the legendary Salahuddin Ayyubi by following the path laid down by Nooruddin Zhangi.

William Tyre (Biographer) says "He (Nooruddin) is a just prince, valiant and wise and acoording to the traditions of his race,a religious man."
Sir Steven Ruciman said that he loved, above all else, Justice.

In 1162, after returning from pilgrimage to Makkah, he found out about the death of King Baldwin 3 of jerusalem and out of respect for his opponent, he refrained from attacking the Crusader Kingdom (Jerusalem). William Tyre reports, Sultan Nooruddin said "We should sympathize with their grief and in pity spare them, because they have lost a prince such as the rest of the world foes not possess today."

Nightmare for the Crusaders- The Wrath of Sultan Nooruddin Zhangi:

Wahhabi Scholar Ibn Katheer praises Sultan Nooruddin (ra).

As much a soft hearted and gentle man he was with the religious scholars and elders, Sultan Nooruddin was a ferocious warrior and a nightmare for the enemies of Islam. The Crusaders would avoid direct clashes with Sultan Nooruddin Zhangi.

After death of his father, Nooruddin and his elder brother Saifuddin Ghazi divided the kingdom, Nooruddin got Aleppo, Saifuddin became governor of Mosul. After the death of Saifuddin, their younger brother Qutbuddin Maudud became the ruler of Mosul and he recognized Sultan Nooruddin as the overlord of Mosul. Thus Nooruddin became the ruler of Mosul also. 

1144: Soon after taking control of the kingdom, Sultan Nooruddin attacked the Principality of Antioch, siezing several castles in North of Syria and at the same time defeated an attempt by Joscelin 2 to recover the 'County of Edessa' which had conquered by Zhangi earlier. Note that Nooruddin only attacked those Castles and Kingdoms which were engaged in Crusades, the Sultan never invaded areas under Byzantine control as the Byzantines were not hostile to Muslims.

1146: Defeated the frankish attempt to reoccupy Edessa by Joscelin.

1147: Bilateral treaty with Moinuddin, governor of Damascus and married his daughter Ismatuddin Khatun. Together, Nooruddin and Moinuddin reconquered Basra and Salkhad which had been occupied by Altantash, a rebel of Moinuddin.

1148: Second crusade arrived in Syria led by Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany attacked Damascus and was defeated. Nuruddin then attacked Antioch.

1149: Battle of Inab- Crushed Raymond of Poiters and secured hold on Antioch. Captured the Castle of Inab. Raymond was killed in the battle. His head was sent to the Khalifa in Baghdad. In the same year, Moinuddin died and his son Mujiruddin became the ruler of Damascus. He joined hands with the Crusaders. When Ascalon was captured by the Crusaders in 1153, Mujiruddin forbade Nooruddin to travel across his territory. In 1154, Nooruddin defeated and overthrew Mujiruddin with the help of local population if Damascus city. Salahuddin was appointed as the governor of Damascus.

1150: Defeated Joscelin II for a final time along with Saljuk Sultan of Rum, Mas'ud (whose daughter he married). Joscelin was imprisoned and he died in the prison in Aleppo in 1159.

1152: Sultan Nooruddin captured Tortosa.

1157: Besieged the Knights Hospitallers in the Crusade Fortress of Banias. A relief army was sent from Jerusalem by King Baldwin III, but it was defeated and the Grand Master Bertrand de Blanquefort was captured.

1159: Treaty with Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Comnenus, Sultan respected him.

1160: Sultan Nooruddin captured Prince of Antioch, Raynald of Chatillon after a raid in the Anti-Taurus mountains. Raynald remained in captivity for 16 years.

1162: Pilgrimage to Makkah.

Egypt annexed in staged from 1169 to 71.


15 May 1174, at the age of 56. He fell sick with high fever and the cause of his death is said to be a Peri-Tonsillar abscess. He had a broad smile on his face when he died. Sultan Nooruddin Zhangi is buried in the Al Nooruddin Madrassa at Damascus. The life of Sultan Nooruddin Zhangi (ra) gives us a fresh breath of Imaan in our dead hearts, even to this day.
Rest in Peace oh Friend of Allah


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