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Revisiting 9/11- The Israeli Connection- Larry Silverstein- The guy who made 4.6 Billion USD out of 9/11 attacks.

9 September, 2001, was an unforgettable day in the recent history of world, especially the Muslim world. For the first time we Muslims realized how ugly the Wahhabi extremists could get. People realized how important it was to isolate this heretic sect of Wahhabism which has always created problems for Muslims and for humanity. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, which is the head quarters of Wahhabi sect. But the story does not stop here. There is much more sinister going on. The Wahhabis were not working alone, it was a large network, a much more diverse and powerful group of men who were supporting these terrorists. Like the water under the carpet, these secret network of criminal satanists started spreading their ugly ideology all around the world.

As we know the Wahhabi sect was created by British Intelligence to break apart the Ottoman empire. The British secret agencies were the handlers of Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi (the one who created the wahhabi sect.) This bond is being carried forward even today. How come 15 Saudi citizens were involved in the 9/11 attack and no action was taken against Saudi Arabia till date. Instead poor country of Afghanistan was razed to ground and Iraq was sent to stone ages on lame excuses build up on lies. The Wahhabi terrorists who carried out this attack had support from other forces within the US and from outside, from US allies, including Israel and Pakistan. Most of the Americans do not find the official story of 9/11 to be credible. Many NGOs and associations of pilots, intellectuals, patriots, army veterans, engineers etc have sprung up to demand the government for independent inquiry into 9/11 attacks.

Recently a hacking group named 'Dark overlord' has emerged into the scene claiming that they have a lot of secret 9/11 files and documents and they would release them to the world. Mostly such gimmicks are done by the establishment themselves. The documents would ultimately incriminate some opponents of the NeoCon-Zionist group in the end. But it is worth noting that 9/11 fails to die off. Mystery of 9/11 still lingers in minds of people. People still have unanswered questions about 9/11.

Considering the topic we have selected for today, let us start with a prominent Zionist figure who was the owner of the Twin Towers when the attack was carried out.

Larry Silverstein:

Aged 87 years, Larry is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Larry obtained 99 year lease on the entire 9/11 complex on 24 July 2001. Asked why he bought the Twin Towers, Larry had said that he had felt an 'compelling urge' to own them. Even though he was hospitalized in a car accident, he rushed to close the deal and bought the Twin Towers in a hurry. The deal also gave him the right to build new Towers if the old ones get destroyed. Silverstein immediately drew up new insurance policies for the Towers.

Larry was paid a little over 4.5 billion USD in insurance money as a result of the destruction of WTC complex. He actually demanded double the insurance money claiming that there were 2 towers. Not satisfied by selling off of the steel and debris of the twin towers, Larry has now sued again for 12.5 billion USD, claiming that the Arilines and Airport security (by the way, the airport security was under a private Israeli security company) were not able to stop the terrorist attack.

Larry used to have breakfast meeting at the "Windows on the World" restaurant located in the North Tower 107 th floor, every morning at 8 am. But on 9/11/2001 he was absent for the meeting. Even his children, who work at the Twin Towers took off that day. When he was as asked "where were you on 9/11." He explained he was home and that his wife had booked an appointment with the dermatologist for him that day- and the appointment was cancelled later. Asked about his children, he said they were 'on the way' and would have been an hour or so late to work than their usual timings.

Larry's friends:

Our Larry has some very powerful friends. First and foremost is Benjamen Natanyahu. Yes the same Benjamen Natanyahu who had said "9/11 was good for Israel." Former Israeli president Ariel Sharon and Media mogul Rupert Murdoch are other good friends of Mr. Larry.

Larry's Infamous Incriminating "Pull it" remark:

Look at this lying piece of shit when he is asked "where were you that morning."

Talking on a TV show in an interview, Larry said that he asked the rescue workers to "Pull It" regarding the WTC 7 or the third tower. "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna able to contain the fire. I said, 'we've such a terrible loss of life, may be the smartest thing to do is to pull it and they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.'"

Later Larry said that what he meant by "Pull it"was for the firefighters to withdraw or evacuate. But there is a problem with this explanation. The next thing Larry says after he utters "pull it" is "we watched the building collapse."
Pull it... And we saw the building coming down  

The term “pull” is also used later in the same PBS documentary by a Ground Zero cleanup worker, who said of WTC 6, “It’s not every day you try to pull down an eight-story building with cables.” However,. . . this procedure is different from using explosives to destroy a much taller building. So 'Pull' does refer to bringing down a building in a controlled demolition.

Not just that, FEMA report on WTC 7 says that "No Manual firefighting actions were taken by FDNY (New York City Fire department.). Refer to Chapter 5.6.1 in this FEMA report.

Assistant Chief Frank Fellini, the fire commander in charge of that area had ordered firefighters to evacuate fr safety reasons at around 11:30 am. And a 'Collapse Zone' was established. Establishing a Collapse zone means suspending search and rescue operations and getting ready for the collapse. But WTC 7 collapsed at 5.20 pm in the evening.

Ardent religious defender of official 9/11 story, Jeffery Scott Shapiro of the FOX news, in his article 'Shame on Jesse Ventura' states that Larry Silverstein had requested his insurance company if they would allow him to control demolish WTC 7. Quoting from his article- " Shortly before the building collapse, several NYPD officers and Con-Edson workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of 'One World Financial Center' was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building- since its foundations were already unstable and expected to fall."

After collapse of Twin Towers, which Larry had bought just 2 months before the attack, Larry made over 4.5 billion dollars and is claiming 12.5 billion dollars more in another law suit. Instead he should have been arrested and investigated for all the evidences that point a finger at his involvement in this attack which killed innocent people and has triggered so many wars all over the world. No wonder this dirty blood sucker is called 'Lucky' Larry.


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