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Israel's right to provoke, right to persecute and right to rob the Palestinians in the name of 'Defense'.

 First off, let it be clear that there is no 'conflict' or 'two sides' or 'all parties involved' in the Israel-Palestine issue. Its plain aggression and occupation by Israel and pathetic persecution of Palestinians. The world knows that Israel has far superior military might while Palestinians are homeless, jobless and landless with so called 'Rockets' which are just a little bit more than a firecracker rockets. Once in every few years, Israel provokes Palestine in one way or another and when the desperate Palestinians respond, their meek response is 'retaliated' by Israel. Its almost as if Israel has this obligation to kill Palestinian women and children once in a while. Back in 2009, world was shocked by white phosphorous bombs used by Israel in Palestine. 

The latest tensions arose after a Israeli Court had ordered eviction of Palestinian families from East Jerusalem. Israeli 'settlers' were ready to occupy these homes for good. In mid April (Ramadhan), Israeli police started barricading Damascus gate of the occupied Old City. This lead to clashes and the barricades were removed. On May 10, Israeli armed forced stormed Masjid Al Aqsa and fired rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas shells at the people in the mosque, claiming that they had gathered there with stones and molotov cocktails. Hamas retaliated with rockets calling the international community to stop Israeli plans to occupy entire of East Jerusalem. Israel 'retaliated' to the Palestinian retaliation with airstrikes and ground invasion.

Israeli airstrikes were indiscriminate and out of proportion, as they always are, bombing schools, hospitals, residential buildings. Even Al Jazeera office and Qatar's Red Crescent office in Gaza were bombed by the airstrikes. These triggered world wide protests against Israel. As always, US blocked-3 times (drafted by China, Norway and Tunisia) in a row- a joint statement against Israel in the UN

The Israeli 'Iron Dome' was overwhelmed by Palestinian 'rockets' yet again. Rockets landed in Tel Aviv and many other cities with sirens and alarms going off in the cities and people running to shelters with fear of rocket attacks has become talk on the internet. Sophisticated Iron Dome can shoot down any missile coming towards it, but when the number of incoming rockets  are more than its capacity (Say 12 counter missiles per battery), its just not possible to shoot down all of them. Each missile used by Iron Dome battery costs 10,000 to 20,000 USD, while the crude home made 'rockets' made by Palestinians come at 200 USD. No matter how much the western media praise the Iron Dome, its evident that  the cutting edge technology and military power of Iron Dome was overwhelmed with sheer common sense. 

Israel's Strategic 'Settlers':

Israel has always opposed to 2 state solution through its actions (no matter what they say verbally in media), this has been the root cause of continuous animosity between the two peoples. Palestinians and the Arab had previously on number of occasions, agreed to a state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital. But Israel always considered entire Jerusalem as its 'eternal capital'. Israeli government strategically sent in 'settlers' into Palestinian lands, helping them with arms and personnel, thereby blurring the borders of an possible 'two states'. Netanyahu had embarrassed and shamed Barack Obama in AIPAC meeting, saying that Israelis would never give up even bit of Jerusalem and justified the illegal settlers in east Jerusalem saying that Jerusalem was not a settlement but their capital. These statements came soon after the Barack Obama administration had asked Israeli government to stop all illegal settlements in East Jerusalem.

Israelis made Trump to recognize entire Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. With all such provocations and illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and homes, Israel portrays itself as a victim and also makes fun of UN and international organizations, only because Zionists are in total control of US corporations and Banking system. To have any kind of peace in this region, justice and restrain should be imposed on Israel.


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