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Why Some muslims turn into terrorists?

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. ......

Dear Moderator and my dear fellow muslims, may Allah gives Thine blessings upon you all,

I have a question that needs to be answered on this matter, that has been bothering my mind as a concerned muslim. My name is Tom Bramantyo, I am an Indonesian, and I am a muslim because I was born in a muslim family, and Insya Allah I am still happy to be a muslim, by holding Islam as my religion until now, because, that I believe, that Islam is teaching love & compassion for all creatures on Earth and in the whole Universe.

I grew up in a moderate muslim family. Since I was a kid, my father kept telling me, that the biggest and the most valuable Jihad, is to fight within yourself, especially fighting with your own anger, and forgiving other people for their mistakes, despite that they had insulted you, or even hurt you.

However, why nowadays, muslims are more showing violence than compassion? For example, several years ago, I was almost killed in a suicide bomb blast, that happened in Bali. Alhamdulillah, Allah still loves me, by still giving me health until now. Several months after the event, the Police collected some evidence, in a Police raid in Batu, Malang, East Java, that resulted the death of one of the alleged Bali Bombing masterminds, DR. Azahari (Malaysian Nationality) and his accomplices during the raid, which one of them is a video tape that contained the testimonial of the suicide bombers before they died in the bombing, which they said in the testimonial of what they did was in the name of Allah, and they claimed that they had committed Jihad. The Indonesian National Police broadcast the video on national TV. Also, to the event that happened to the German and Korean hostages in Afghanistan, lately. Why are the Talibans killing unarmed non-combatant civillians, for whatever the reason behind it.

As far as my knowledge as a muslim, in Rasulullah's era, during the holy war against the Quraiys (Kuffir), Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam (PBUH), emphasized that to never ever to kill women, children, unarmed civillians, and even the enemy who were already surrendered, without any weapon on their hands.

Can we muslims stop showing violence, by spreading Islam teachings in a more elegance way,? as taught by our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam (PBUH), to be Rahmatan Lil Alamin, by more spreading love and compassion to all Allah's creations. Because I think, our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam (PBUH), was successful in spreading Islam to the world with his love to others, not by force of his sword.
He only threw his sword to enforce Allah's Almighty Law, to fight the injustice, but as a Warrior fighting opponent Warrior, not by killing "Innocent People", and he also admitted if his war was lost in the battle, and tried another non violence way in combatting the injustice, and he was successful by it, as guided by Allah.

Can anybody answer my question above?


Tom Bramantyo, a concerned muslim

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

wa alaykum al salam wa rahmatuAllaah wa barakatuh

Ma sha Allaah, very good question with a nice comment. What you stated is really something to ponder upon for the muslim ummah in general. See the situation where muslims are suffering is a lot different than in places where there is peace.

Muslims living in peace, actually can't realise how bad it is for the people that are suffering. For example genearlly speaking in Indonesia where you live is peace. So you can't realise how bad it could be in Afghanistan or in Iraq or Kashmir and else where.

What you said is really true that for us muslims the best option is to do da3wah and jihaad both, but it should be the way prophet muhammad (SalAllaahu alayhe sallam) did.

The first and basic thing is da3wah and it should be the way prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) did. if we read the life history of prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) so he was extremly kind to people and with good manners, ofcourse. That would lead the people believe in him and his words, about the da3wah Qur'an says (Interpretation of the meaning):

"The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. Allaah ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly), then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.

But none is granted it (the above quality) except those who are patient, and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of the happiness in the Hereafter i.e. Paradise and in this world of a high moral character)."
(al-Qur'an 41:34-35)

Indeed, Qur'an does talk about Jihaad too. What your father told you about controlling on with in or in other words self-control etc is really a great thing. But brother do not consider that only a jihaad. Ofcourse the Jihaad-e-bisayf is an integrel part of the Jihaad too but first we should learn how to control on our anger and then learn what would be the correct form of jihaad-e-bisaf (like staying away from kwarij act) and then go for it.

About Taliban, i really can't say much. Much of them say that they have no choice because kuffar are on their head, they have to fight back. Definately some means that they use are not allowed in islam and they should restraint from it. But brother remember do not get used by the media lies or the fake interpretations of west about Islam. Sadly many of our muslim-govt are totally used by the media / westernised thinking. For example there is no concept of 'modernization of islam' rather Qur'an clearly says that:

"O you who believe! Enter perfectly in Islaam (by obeying all the rules and regulations of the Islaamic religion) and follow not the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan). Verily! He is to you a plain enemy."
(al-Qur'an 2:208)

So we learnerd from this ayah of Qur'an that either you are a muslim or either your not. If you are muslim then follow and accept all the commandments of Islam. So when people say that they are 'moderate muslim' if by moderate one means that they try to follow islamic commandments completely and the way rasoolAllaah (SalAllaahu alayhe wasallam) was (by looks, by manners, by living, by earning, by da3wah etc) then al7amdulillah. But if one wants to make that 'moderation' that since its 21 century so its ok by following bid3ah and other unacceptable things like making instrumental music halal, or women with out covering is ok or dancing is fine, cutting beard is fine, or bribery is ok or cheating etc is fine and other things which our so-called muslim-govts propagating then i don't stand with that kind of moderation.

Brother, true what i heard was that in Bali there were night-clubs (where western people would come and you know how they look like and dress up and drink etc) which is definately against Islam. No matter how much money it would give to Indonesian govt. But blowing up or suiciding this is also against Islam, you can read the fatwa by sheikh Muhammad bin Saalih al-'Uthaymeen on suiciding:

http://www.fatwaisl index.cfm? scn=fd&ID=526

Also, i would like to praise Allaah sub7anhu wa ta3lah that you were saved in that attack and Allaah has given you a new-life, may Allaah bless all the muslims, ameen

Last thing that i want to add-up in here is that some people say that Jihaad is only when an islamic govt or state declares it. Right, its actually Khalifa when declares it. But i ask where is the Khalifa, 54 muslim countries with 54 states, sub7an Allaah. So it means we would wait even though the kuffar has attacked us??? Not at all, rather collectively any tanzeem that have based their da3wah upon the salaf as saliheen, as a united forum can do jihaad-e-basaif but the thing is they should based their da3wah or jihaad both upon the way of prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) the sahaba and salaf, and as you have suggested they should have self-control, fighting skill and right obediance to the commander, so when commander rightfully says go for it the soldiers go for it and when he says stop then all of them should stop (Sadly that isn't happening). And also keep in mind the most important thing is to establish the Islamic state and then go for a collective Jihaad. untill that they (jihaadi people) should restriant from picking up the weapon against the state because if they don't then that would be a Khawarij act, (Just my opinion) and Allaah knows the best.

About that issue fatwa can be looked:

http://www.fatwaisl index.cfm? scn=fd&ID=592

May Allaah guide us all towards haqq and lead us to life righteous life, ameen

BarakAllaahu feekum


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