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Day of Judgement

“The death from which you flee will truly overtake you; then will you be sent back to the knower of the things secret and open; and He will tell you (the truth) of the things you did.”(62:8)

“Everyman’s fate we have fastened on his own neck. On the Day of Judgment we shall bring out for him a scroll, which he will see spread open. Read thine record sufficient is thy soul this day to make out an account against thee”. (17:13-14)

And he (i.e. man) presents for Us an example (i.e. attempting to establish the finality of death) and forgets his [own] creation. He says, “Who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated?” Say, “He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing.” [It is] He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite. Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them? Yes, [it is so]; and He is the Knowing Creator. (Quran, 36:78-81)

And they say, “There is not but our worldly life; we die and live (i.e. some people die and others live, replacing them) and nothing destroys us except time.” And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming. And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, “Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful.” Say, “God causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt,” but most of the people do not know. (Quran, 45:24-26)

“The Hour (i.e. the Day of Judgment) will not come to us.” Say, “Yes, by my Lord, it will surely come to you. [God is] the Knower of the unseen.” Not absent from Him is an atom’s weight within the heavens or within the earth or [what is] smaller than that or greater, except that it is in a clear register - That He may reward those who believe and do righteous deeds. Those will have forgiveness and noble provision. But those who strive against Our verses [seeking] to cause failure (i.e. to undermine their credibility) - for them will be a painful punishment of foul nature. (Quran, 34:3-5)

Then is he whom We have promised a good promise which he will meet [i.e. obtain] like he for whom We provided enjoyment of worldly life [but] then he is, on the Day of Resurrection, among those presented [for punishment in Hell]? (Quran, 28:61)

[For such is the state of the disbelievers], until, when death comes to one of them, he says, “My Lord, send me back that I might do righteousness in that which I left behind (i.e. in that which I neglected).” No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected. So when the Horn is blown, no relationship will there be among them that Day, nor will they ask about one another. And those whose scales are heavy [with good deeds] - it is they who are the successful. But those whose scales are light - those are the ones who have lost their souls, [being] in Hell, abiding eternally. The Fire will sear their faces, and they therein will have taut smiles (i.e. their lips having been contracted by scorching until the teeth are exposed). (Quran, 23:99-104)

Say: Nay by my Lord but it is coming unto you surely' (He is) the Knower of the Unseen. Not an atom's weight, or less than that or greater, escapes Him in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a clear record, that He may reward those who believe
and do good works. For them is pardon and a rich provision. But those who strive against Our revelations, challenging Us,
theirs will be a painful doom of wrath. (34:3-5)

“The death from which you flee will truly overtake you; then will you be sent back to the knower of the things secret and open; and He will tell you (the truth) of the things you did.”(62:8)

“Everyman’s fate we have fastened on his own neck. On the Day of Judgment we shall bring out for him a scroll, which he will see spread open. Read thine record sufficient is thy soul this day to make out an account against thee”. (17:13-14)

What happens on the Day of Judgement :

"Then when the Horn is blown with one blast, and the earth and the mountains are lifted and leveled with one blow [i.e. stroke] - Then on that Day, the Occurrence [i.e. Resurrection] will occur, And the heaven will split [open], for that Day it is infirm (i.e. weak, enfeebled and unstable). And the angels are at its edges. And there will bear the Throne of your Lord above them, that Day, eight [of them]. That Day, you will be exhibited [for judgment]; not hidden among you is anything concealed (i.e. any person or any secret you might attempt to conceal). So as for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will say, “Here, read my record! Indeed, I was certain that I would be meeting my account.” So he will be in a pleasant life - In an elevated Garden, Its [fruit] to be picked hanging near. [They will be told], “Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you put forth (i.e. literally, advanced in anticipation of reward in the Hereafter) in the days past.” But as for he who is given his record in his left hand, he will say, “Oh, I wish I had not been given my record, and had not known what is my account. I wish it [i.e. my death] had been the decisive one (i.e. ending life rather than being the gateway to eternal life). My wealth has not availed me. Gone from me is my authority.” [God will say], “Seize him and shackle him. Then into Hellfire drive him. Then into a chain whose length is seventy cubits insert him."Indeed, he did not used to believe in God, the Most Great(Quran, 69:13-33)

When earth is shaken with her final earthquake. Qur'an Chapter 99 Verse 1

When the trumpet is blown one blast the earth with the mountains shall be lifted and crushed with one crash. Qur'an Chapter 69 Verse 13-14

When the sky will be like molten copper and the hills will be like flakes of wool. Qur'an Chapter 70 Verse 8

And when the earth is spread out. And casts out all that was in her and is“Empty.” Qur'an Chapter 84 Verse 3-4

On the day when the earth will be changed other than this earth and the heavens also and they will come forth unto God, The One The Almighty. Qur'an Chapter 14 Verse 48

They will ask about the mountains, say: My Lord will break them into scattered dust and leave it (earth) as an empty plane, so you see neither curve nor ruggedness. Qur'an Chapter 20 Verse 105-107

When earth is shaken with her final earthquake. And earth yields its burdens (From within). And man says what's wrong with her. That day she will relate her History (in time) because your Lord inspires her. That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds. Qur'an Chapter 99 Verse 1-6.

On that Day, He shall gather them together it will seem as if they have stayed (in the grave) for an hour, recognizing one another. Those who were not guided and denied the meeting with God will perish. Qur'an Chapter 10 Verse 45

A day when no soul has power at all over any other soul, The absolute command on that day is God's. Qur'an Chapter 82 Verse 19

And you will see each nation humbled, each nation called to its record. And it will be said to them: This day you are repaid for what you used to do. Qur'an Chapter 45 Verse 28

On the day when their tongues and their hands and their feet testify against them as to what they used to do. Qur'an Chapter 24 Verse 24

What will convey to you what the Day of Judgment is? Again! What will convey to you what the Day of Judgment is?It is the Day when a self will have no power to help any other self in any way. The command that Day will be Allah's alone.(Qur’an, 82:17-19)

And the Moon is eclipsed, and the Sun and the Moon are fused together, on that Day man will ask: "Where can I run?" No indeed! There will be no safe place. That Day, the only resting place will be your Lord. (Surat al-Qiyama, 8-12)

Not so! All who submit themselves completely to Allah and are good-doers will find their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 112)

… on the Day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believed along with him. Their light will stream out ahead of them and on their right. They will say: "Our Lord, perfect our light for us and forgive us! You have power over all things." (Surat at-Tahrim, 8)

And heaven is opened and becomes as gates. Qur'an Chapter 78 Verse 19

When sight is confounded, And the moon is eclipsed (hidden from view), And sun and moon are united. (appear as one light). Qur'an Chapter 75 Verse 7-9

A day when the heavens and the clouds will be rent asunder and the angels will be sent down A grand descent. Qur'an Chapter 25 Verse 25

Think of the day when, We remove the hills, and you see the earth emerging and We gather them together, as to leave not one of them behind. Qur'an Chapter 18 Verse 47

Chapter: 75, Verses: 3 & 4Man thinks that,We shall not assemble his bones?Yes Truly!We are able to restore his very fingers!

Chapter: 22, Verse: 7The Hour will come there is no doubt.And God will raise those who are in the graves.

"Those who have disbelieved and died in disbelief, the earth full of gold would not be accepted from any of them if it were offered as a ransom. They will have a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers."(Qur'an, 3:91)

He (Allah) will say, “How many years did you stay on the earth?” They will say: “We stayed a day or part of a day....” (Qur'an, 23:112-113)- People in ancient time used to live 1000 years.And ALLAH mentioned at various places that his One day is Equal to 1000 years in our count.When Quran says One day,it is addressing those people and when it says 'part of a day' it is addressing people with shorter age.

"Did you then think that We had created you in jest (without any purpose), and that you would not be returned to Us (in the Hereafter)? So, God is exalted, the True King. None has the right to be worshipped but Him... "(Qur'an, 23:115-116)

“We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in vain, though this is the belief of the infidels. Woe to the disbelievers; they will suffer the torment of the Hellfire. Do we consider the righteously striving believers equal to the evil doers in the earth? Are the pious ones equal to those who openly commit sins?” (38:27-28)

And on The Day when the Hour arrives the guilty will swear that they remained (dead) but for an hour, thus they were ever deceived but to those to whom knowledge and faith are given will say: ”The truth is that you have remained (dead) until the Day of Resurrection by God's decree. This is the Day of Resurrection, but you used not to know.” Qur'an CHapter 30 Verse 55-56

To God belongs the Sovereignty of heavens and the earth on the Day when the Hour rises, who follow falsehood will be lost. Qur'an Chapter 45 Verse 27

The agony of death comes in truth; this is what you wished to avoid, And the trumpet is blown; this is the threatened Day. Qur'an Chapter 50 Verse 19-20


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