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Covid-19 End Game is To End Pax Americana and Bring in Pax Judaica: Sheikh Imran Hosein.

Sheikh Imran's full video on Covid19. 

Sheikh Imran Hosein is arguably the most prominent personality in the subject of Islamic Eschatology. He has been predicting a 'fake virus' and 'fake pandemic' that would be used as an excuse to impose restrictions on Hajj and Umrah, from almost a decade. He had also warned about a global take over by Zionist banking cabal which would establish a one world government with Jerusalem as its capital. 

Now Sheikh Imran Hosein has released a video statement about Covid-19 pandemic which he calls 'the end game.' He says that according to the Quranic knowledge, its clear that the virus is not natural and its man made, coming from a laboratory. "Allah created this universe with truth embedded in it. A virus which embraces entire of mankind cannot be coming from nature, it would be unjust order not a moral order." The Sheikh predicts that the virus would stay around for several years- coming and going repeatedly in cycles- thus destroying the economies of nations, especially those of the middle class and the poor. Terming Covid-19 a Biological Warfare, Sheikh Imran Hosein throws some light on the 'End Game.' "The End Game is located in the Holy Land (Jerusalem). This virus has Zionist roots in it." Remembering about the Prophecy of Rasool Allah (saw) which predicts that the Arabs would be wiped out in a plague, Sheikh Imran postulates that that plague or virus would be DNA specific in order to specifically infect the Arabs. The Sheikh also advices the medical community to not look at this virus in medical terms alone, as such a phenomenon never happened in history of mankind.

How would our Prophet (asaihissalaam) respond to such a Pandemic: 
Criticizing the world governments for towing the line of WHO and following it blindly, Sheikh Imran says the Zionists are playing games with us and running a circus (tamasha) with their regulations like Face masks, social distancing, lockdowns, closing of masjids. "What has our Prophet (asaihissalaam) said about a virus? How would He (asaihissalaam) respond? You (government of Pakistan) proclaim that you love the Prophet (saw), (but) are you capable of thinking? If He (saw) was here today in Islamabad, how would he respond?" "This is what our Prophet (saw) said, 'If you are in a location where the virus has struck, dont leave. And if you are outside dont enter.' Indicating that He (saw) was conscious of the fact that the virus can spread from one person to another. What The Prophet (saw) said would amount to quarantine. But He (saw) would impose it when there was adequate evidence (not based on cooked up evidence) that a plague or epidemic is in place."" The Prophet (saw) also said that if you are in a place where virus is present and you don't leave and you die, you go to heaven. You will be a Marty. "" Would He (saw) shutdown the market? Would He (saw) say 'you can't go to work and can't earn your livelihood?' Would He (saw) say 'you can't sell in the market and earn your bread?' Would He (saw) say 'you can't go to a masjid and perform prayer?' Would He (saw) do every single possible thing within the area of epidemic to try to separate people from each other? NO. Our Prophet (saw) never said that you should reorganize your life in an area where epidemic is taking place. LIFE GOES ON in an area where epidemic is taking place."" So you (governments) have no right to disrupt the economy. You have no right to disrupt people's livelihoods."" I don't see any Muslim challenging the authority of a government to stop people from going to masjid. But I see a Christian minister doing that."" Did the Prophet (alaissalam) allow you to stand 3 feet apart in the masjid, like monkeys?"

About Vaccines:
"I don't trust people who manufacture a virus and wage biological war. So I won't trust their vaccine. If I am forced to take a vaccine, I will take the Russian one because Russia is Christian. I don't want the vaccine, life and death are in Allah's hands. And it is Allah who will decide when I will die, not a vaccine, not a virus. "

Concluding Comments:
"Using a virus as a biological weapon. But don't you (the evil elite) know that Allah can also do it? If you prepare poison for us to drink, one day you are going to drink the same poison." The Sheikh ends his statement reminding us how Gog and Magog are going to die of a virus plague when Jesus (asaihissalaam) will take the believers on a mountain and pray to Allah to destroy Gog and Magog. They (Gog and Magog) will be infected on their necks and will be paralyzed and die in that state. 


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