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Britain and Al Saud: The Zionist Great Game in Arabia.

1908 to 1909 was a very sad year in contemporary Islamic history. This was the year when the British puppets, the three Pashas (Enver Pasha, Talat Pasha and Cemal Pasha) had revolted against Khalifa Abdul Hamid II, the last true Khalifa of Muslims, and seized power in Ottoman Turkey. In 1891, The Donmeh Jews had set up a network of secret organizations within the military and political class around the Khalifa in Istanbul, promoting western ideology and opposing the authoritarian rule of Khalifa Abdul Hamid II. This secret organization spread its poison against the Khalifa like water spreading under the mat. It was called the 'Committee of Union and Progress' informally known as the 'Young Turks.' After Abdul Hamid II, puppets of the Young Turk were put in the seat of Khalifa who had nothing but a nominal role in empire's affairs.

In the Arabian peninsula, British stooge Mohammad Ibn Abdal Wahhab Najdi was expelled from home town of Uyayna for his extremist views and wrong interpretation of Quran and Hadith. He took protection in Diriyah where another British stooge, Mohammad Ibn Saud was the ruler, in 1741. The British Spy Humphrey played a vital role in uniting these two treacherous personalities who would later plant a devastating sect of fitnah, murder, confusion, persecution and oppression of Muslims all over the world, which continues to this day. In 1744, Mohammad Ibn Abdal Wahhab Najdi and Mohammad Ibn Saud entered a power sharing agreement (on instruction of their British handlers) wherein, Ibn Saud would provide protection for Ibn Wahhab for propagating his new sect of  extremist ideology and in return Ibn Wahhab would provide religious impetus and support of the Wahhabi zealots for the military expeditions of Ibn Saud. Ibn Saud's son Abdul Aziz was married to Ibn Wahhab's daughter to seal this pact. With this pact, the first Saudi State was established in 1744. From that day on, Ibn Saud and his wahhabi extremists killed, maimed, raped, plundered Muslim villages and caravans which would not agree to their extremist ideology of Wahhabism. Ibn Wahhab claimed he was doing jihad to bring Islam back to its true form and he gave a fatwa to his followers that whoever dies in this holy war would go to Jannah and whoever lives can get the booty and loot Muslims, as Muslims' lives, property, land, women and children were all declared 'halal' for the wahhabi extremists

In 1773, Riyad was conquered by Ibn Saud (reconquered in 1902) and became the main city of Najdi Kingdom. In 1790s, Ibn Saud and his Wahhabi dogs repeatedly raided Madina, Syria and Iraq. In 1801 the Wahhabis attacked Karbala and in 1803 they attacked Makkah mukarramah. The Wahhabis would attack, kill, plunder, loot and then retreat back into the deep deserts of Najd, only to regroup and attack Muslim villages and caravans again at will. In October 1811, Ottoman-Egyptian army entered Madina and by 1813, Makkah was retaken from the Wahhabis. The raids and attacks from the Wahhabis never stopped. But Hejaz was safe with Hashmite King Hussain Sharif who was under the Ottoman protection. Muslims were able to repel the attacks of wahhabi terrorists all through the 1800s up until 1920s. 

In 1902, Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdur Rahman became the ruler of Najd. In 1915 Abdul Aziz became a protectorate of British Empire after agreeing to a Jewish state in Palestine with Bracey Cocas, British Envoy to Gulf. By 1916 Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud) received 20,000 GBP as loan, arms shipments, monthly stipend of 5000 BGP.  This is called treaty of Darin.

1916 Arab Revolt:

After Abdul Hamid II was deposed by the Young Turks, there was increasing western influence in Ottoman empire with Islam being sidelined. This did not go down well with the ruler of Hejaz, Sharif Hussain Ibn Ali. He wanted to break free from the Ottoman (now the un-Islamic Young Turks) The Wahhabis try and hide their treachery by covering it with the 'Arab revolt' and by projecting Sharif as the traitor who revolted against the Ottoman Khalifa. But in fact Sharif of Hejaz revolted against the puppet Khalifa of the Young Turks, while the Wahhabis were colluding with the British Empire in secret, to occupy Hejaz. Sharif justified his revolt against the Young Turks who according to him "were violating the sacred tenets of Islam and discriminating against non-Turkish populations". Indeed the Young Turks were a horrible bunch, they dragged Ottoman Empire and joined forces with Germany in the first world war and thereby paved the way for the dissolution of Ottoman Empire.

The British cunningly entered into correspondence with Sharif of Hejaz in the 1900s, offering an independent Arab country free from the Ottoman (Young Turk) influence. In June 10th 1916, the official revolt began. The Hashmite forces with the help of Britain and France was able to defeat the Ottoman forces. The British empire had no intention of sticking to their promise of recognizing a United Arab State stretching from Syria to Yemen (including Palestine)- a promise they had made to Sharif of Hejaz in the McMohan-Hussain correspondence. Instead the British empire made a secret agreement with the French, called the Sykes-Picot agreement with prior agreements with Russia and Italy. Agenda was to split the Ottoman empire into various 'spheres of influence' distributed among the signatories. The British through their influence on Young Turks already had a death path laid for Ottoman Empire, by joining it with Germany in the first world war. The stage was set to break the Ottoman Empire into multiple small kingdoms and share them among the British empire and its allies.

The British-Saudi Game Begins:

In 1917, British signed the Balfour Declaration promising a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Signed by Arthur Balfour, British Foreign Secretary and Lionel Rothschild of the Zionist movement. Soon after the victory in the Arab revolt, Sharif Hussain reminded the British about their promises made in the McMohan-Hussain correspondence. But the British in turn demanded Sharif to accept a Jewish homeland in Palestine (Balfour declaration) and to ratify the Sykes-Picot agreement, which the Sharif outright rejected. At the Cairo conference of 1921, the British empire dispatched Lawrence (of Arabia) to offer Sharif with an annual payment of 100,000 GBP but Sharif refused to sell out Palestine and for the breaking of Muslim lands into pieces. The British then threatened Sharif with the Wahhabi takeover

Meanwhile in 1920 Cairo conference, Churchil and Percy Cox (a crypto jew and British Indian Army Officer who later held many high diplomatic positions in the British Empire, especially in the Middle East) agreed on giving Hail (ruled by Ibn Rashid) to Ibn Saud. In 1922, Abdul Azid (Ibn Saud) signed the declaration at Al Aqeer conference agreeing for a Jewish State in Palestine. By March 1923, British showered 50,000 BGP to Ibn Saud, 10,000 Gold, 10,000 rifles, 4 field guns with British-Indian instructors. In  March1924, Ibn Saud and the Wahhabis attack Sharif after a call from Lord Curzon (British Foreign Secretary) for the 'final kick' of Sharif. September 1924, Wahhabis overrun Taif, the summer capital of Sharif and the customary massacres and persecution of traditional Sunnis followed. Oct 1924 Ibn Saud captured Makkah. Sharif escaped to Transjordan where his son was the ruler. January 1925 to December 1925, Jeddah was captured by Ibn Saud. Each city witnessed the customary slaughter, persecution, rapes and plunder of Sunnis who did not accept the Wahhabi ideology in hands of the Ibn Saud. At once Rothschild agents, Zionists and the British Empire recognized Abdul Aziz as the new king. In 1932, the name Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was given to the united kingdom of Najd, Hejaz, Hassa and surrounding areas. Sharif on his part never accepted the Arab mandates and protested against the British idea of Jewish homeland in Palestine. 

Sharif Hussain of Hejaz. 

In 1943, Mohammad Amin Al Tamimi, Director/Manager of Contemporary Libraries of Saudi Kingdom forged a false genealogical tree depicting the Saud and Wahhabi families both descended from the Blessed family of Rasool Allah (saw). He was paid 35,000 Egyptian pounds by Saudi Ambassador in Cairo, Ibrahim Al Fadel for this. The Saudis have time and again played the game of lies, deceit and treachery again and again over the years in an attempt to legitimize their rule and their Wahhabi ideology.

References and Further Reading: 
  •  The Destruction of Jannatul Baqi: A case of Wahhabi Iconoclasm- Mohammad Adeel, Undergraduate Journal of Middle East Studies, Canada. 
  • Abdul Aziz Al Saud and The Great Game in Arabia (1896 to 1946)- Mohammad Al Mutairi.
  • Rehatsek- The History of Wahhabys in Arabia and India. 
  • Ibn Bishr- Unwan al Majd Tarikh Najd. Lorimer, Gazetter of Persian Gulf. 
  • The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism- Ayyub Sabri Pasha. 
  • The Donmeh Jews- Mustafa Turan. 
  • The Wahhabi Movement: The Truth and Roots- Abdul Wahhab Ibrahim al Shammari. 
  • The History of Saudi Family- Said Nasir. 
  • The Wahhabi Mission and Saudi Arabia- David Commings. 
  • America's Kingdom- Mythmaking on Saudi Oil Frontier. - Robert Vitalis. 
  • Saudi State Wahhabi World- The Globalization of Muslim Radicalism.- Naveed S. Sheikh. 
  • Two Faces of Islam.- Stephen Schwartz. 
  •  Confessions of a British Spy and British Enmity against Islam.: Humphrey. 
  •  Emergence of Al Wahhabiyyah movement and its Historical Roots.- Military Intelligence Document of Iraq. Click Here.
  • Wahhabi Sect: Illuminati, New World Order Creation.


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