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Mosquito: A miracle of ALLAH SWT's creation


ALLAH is not ashamed to make an example of a mosquito or of an even smaller thing. As for those who believe, they know it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, "What does ALLAH mean by this example?" He misguides many by it and guides many by it. But He only misguides the deviators. (Qur'an, 2:26)
A person thinking about the systems with which a mosquito is equipped will be a witness to the miracles of creation in this creature and will understand once more the unbounded power of ALLAH


The mother mosquito binds the eggs together into a raft shape. This is the best solution for preventing the eggs from sinking.

Egg raft and hatching larvae

Egg raft and hatching larvae.

Eggs of the Anopheles mosquito. The little air sacs around the eggs and structures that increase the surface tension ensure that the eggs stay at the surface of the water. If, for once, these structures that keep the eggs afloat failed to form, all the eggs of the Anopheles mosquito would sink and die.

In this phase in order to breathe the larva has to remain suspended over the water without drowning.

In a little pool of water there may be hundreds, even thousands of mosquito larvae.

Thanks to a special kind of hydrophobic oil found at the tip of the snorkel, no water can get in, as the oil is water-repellent. The fact that such a special substance for such a specific function is found in exactly the right place is a point for which evolutionary theory can provide no explanation.

At the end of the larval stage an entirely new underwater phase begins for the mosquito. This stage, known as the pupa, is the final stage before the creature becomes an adult mosquito.

During the pupal stage, the wings and legs of the mosquito become fully formed inside the cocoon floating in the water. It is extremely important for the structures necessary for flying to be formed perfectly underwater. The perfect formation of structures that enable a creature to fly in a different environment whilst submerged in a cocoon under the water is just one of the examples of supreme creation.

The mosquito emerges from its underwater world with everything it needs for the outside world:
-Its wings are formed underwater.
-The special blood-sucking mechanism is formed underwater.-The special fluid that prevents the blood clotting and numbs the tissue of the victim is formed underwater.-The special receptive system that detects the location of prey is formed underwater.-The superb perceptive skill that is even able to differentiate the frequency of the female’s wing beat is formed underwater.
-Vision is also developed underwater.
The perfectly created mosquito leaves the water and sets foot in the outside world, as if coming from a state of non-existence into our world. It is ALLAH Who knows every form of creation and creates in perfection.


Anonymous said…
I also agree with your thought that The one and only ALLAH is worthy, who can create such perfect creations.

Best of luck for your such good work.
Anonymous said…

there is no God but Allah
and Mohammad is his messenger,

best of luck for yours hard work
Anonymous said…
Very good blog...just wanted to inform you that the quote from quran is 2:26 rather than 1:26, as it is from surah al baqarah. Jazakallah Khair.
Dr. Ahmed said…
Thankyou very much brother anonymous for correcting the typo. JazakALLAH. God bless u.. whoever u r.
Unknown said…
the more we come to know about our surrounding world we are amazed by the only truth, may allah swt guide us and all muslims to the truth. amin.
Anonymous said…
Please do a similar blog entry for talking ants. I've always wanted to see (and hear!) one.

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